Don’t Be Fooled by the Mask
Kenneth Nalls
Interest: Marketing and Motivation. Student of Life-Long Learning, Blogger
There have always been scary stories of Halloween. They observe this celebration in many countries on October 31. This year, even with over 9,000,000 covid virus cases in America, trick or theaters are going door-to-door seeking candy handouts.
The costumes and face masks will include covid masks too. It isn’t easy to know who is behind the mask unless it is one of your children or a neighbor’s child. The kids will not be practicing social distancing; that’s not what Halloween is about. Hopefully, the kids will have on their masks and wash their hands before coming out.
Many people, hoping to avoid being the next covid case wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash their hands. I practice all three.
Being a mask user, I wanted to know more about the safety of a mask; I read an article in Wired Magazine about using the light test and candle test to check for a mask’s efficiency. “A mask’s weave should be tight enough not to allow light to show through and thick enough to prevent you from blowing out a candle while you’re wearing it.” They design masks to protect you from infecting someone else or them affecting you.
Masks are sometimes used to cover up something. A bank robber uses a mask to cover up his identity. In ancient Greece, stage actors used masks to pretend to be someone else.
We get the word hypocrite from the Greek word hypokrites, which means “pretender.” A hypocrite is a person who pretends to be a certain way but acts and believes the total opposite. A person who washes their hands, stands six feet away, and wears a mask can still be a hypocrite.
Some people pretend to be friends to your face, and behind your back, they speak ill of you. Be wary of the individual who is a “stage actor” or pretender who shows affection but is jealous and filled with envy. Don’t be fooled by the mask. The only person to wear a mask and remain the same person with or without the mask was The Lone Ranger.