Don't focus on January 1st- make every day special with 3 words as your guide
Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

Don't focus on January 1st- make every day special with 3 words as your guide

There's something magical about new beginnings and starting a new year afresh. But somehow resolutions don't always cut it and for many people, actually only 1 in 10, ever achieve them, leaving them feeling disappointed.

Instead, I like to set a theme for the year around 3 words, an idea from Chris Brogan. This way every day can be special and intentional.

3 words. Not a long list of stuff. It's an intent and theme for the year. It's something I can check in with when choosing how best to spend my energy and time. Each week I'll journal and reflect on how I'm tracking with my words.

#mythreewords for 2020 are;

EXPRESS. This year I'll create more than I consume. There is quiet power in expressing who we are and what we do. What we express makes us unique. Yet Society encourages us to consume more than we create. I want to get my balance more in favour of creativity, Write more, use less. I'll organise my days differently and block in time to express and create, white space-time. The journaling will be part of this.

APPRECIATION. This year I'm choosing to commit to happiness and that is about generosity, gratitude, and appreciation. To give to the things, causes, people which bring joy and energy into my life. Practicing gratitude was a conscious habit last year but I struggled with consistency. My intent is to appreciate every good thing, even the challenges along the way!

FORWARD. This is the year of looking forward not back. We can't let our pasts define and constrain us. We can all grow at whatever stage of life, we simply need to choose to do so. To enjoy the experience of life - every day - the big moments and the small. As I get older I appreciate the future even more. Being able to learn new things, change the way I think, enjoy the many beautiful things life has to offer. I'm looking forward to more learning and growing- each day.

And those are my three words for 2020. I'd love to hear yours or your approach to setting goals for the year

#mythreewords #2020goals #mentoring #whatinspiresme


