Don't do it right away
Discipline is a widely underrated practice, especially for "creative" folk. Legend says, the first creative person to be actually disciplined, developed the practice after said creative was commissioned to develop the designs of the cleopatra pyramid. He waited until the last minute and the nose of cleopatra, on the pyramid fell off due to some odd "design" flaw. Then, as history says (don't quote me on this), said creative as a reward for his hard work, became the subject of the world's first partial rhinectomy.
That first paragraph might be totally made up, but it reflects how most creatives, develop the practice of discipline. As they say, there's no better tamer than the pressure that come with the failure to deliver. But, hear me out, sometimes, (the sometimes is bold for a reason), procrastination is not only unavoidable but also a great thing.
Procrastinating, for me, has given me the ability to connect dots no one else would connect. There's some sort of thinking elasticity that develops when you allow yourself to be distracted.
I don't exactly know why, despite an in-depth research on the topic, but it's proven to be true for a lot of people out there. I say it's because how the human mind is wired. The key part being, boredom. I don't know what it is about that state of mind but whenever boredom strikes, if you stay long enough in that state your mind will learn to find a solution. It's how you find your muse.
In fact, the word muse itself, is the root for the word amusement the prefix "a" indicates a negative meaning, you refrain yourself from musing on your thoughts ,clearing your mind, preparing it to handle some hefty thinking.
It was true for the ancient world. I'm pretty sure the guy that invented the first spice mix was a chef that was either bored with doing the same dishes and procrastinated until the last minute of a kingly feast day to whip up some mitmita. I don't know but it's pretty obvious, you can't come up with something that delicious by just sticking to deadlines, that person at least had to bored enough to say "I wonder what would happen if I mixed this with [insert whatever goes in mitmita]"
It's beginning to sound like I'm championing procrastination but I promise you I'm not. All I'm doing is, the coming week, allow yourself to be distracted in moderation and let your quest out of boredom lead you to great solutions.
Have a great Sunday!