"Don't Dirty Your Hands" - My Video Plea for Peace
Below is the text, verbatim of a video about peace that I recently posted on my YouTube Channel.
This text and the video were subsequently published by the Baltimore and Los Angeles Post Examiner online newspapers.
Also see below for links to the article and the original video.
Thank you for reading, watching, and hopefully, listening.
Herbie J Pilato
Hi, Everybody.
The world has gone a little crazy right now. So I thought I would talk a little bit today about peace, and how it really does begin with you.
With me.
With us.
I was bullied, I was beat up — mostly every day of my young life. And I never really retaliated — certainly physically.
It was more name calling and whatnot, but there were days when I was physically attacked.
And I would get angry.
You know, obviously, I was devastated. It affected me in many ways and I still have those memories. But my mom — when I would want to fight back — my mom would say, “Herbie J, don’t be like them. Don’t dirty your hands.”
Obviously, when we see violence against someone, it’s a horrible thing. But violence is not eased With more violence.
Peace must start somewhere.
So I am asking you, in the name of whatever Good God or love that you believe in, to please spread peace. To deal with the atrocities of today in a peaceful manner.
Because nothing, nothing, is ever solved with violence.
So, please — don’t you dirty your hands.
Click the link below for my "Video Plea for Peace."