Don’t Dig the Well When Your Thirsty
Your dream job. You got it. Congratulations! But let me give you some controversial words of advice. Having a job, any job, even a dreamy one, is the riskiest investment you can ever make. Whaaaat? Do you mean to tell me riskier than actually working for yourself? Yes. That’s exactly what I’m telling you.
Your job is temporary. All jobs are temporary and not only are they temporary, but they’re all so unpredictable. Any job could end at any point at any time without warning. It doesn’t matter how good the company is or how well they’re doing. If the business your in is in business for profit, then they’re what we would call amoral. Not to be confused with what is moral or immoral, amoral means that businesses have one primary objective and that’s profit.
So what does one do in a capitalistic and amoral system? Even if you have a job you like and you feel secure always always always work on yourself and stack your skills. Leverage that job you have now by building your skill sets. This will obviously come handy when you’re looking for your next position. And trust me, there will be multiple positions in your life. As Jim Rohn once said, “your income is based on your self-development.”
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. We all have heard it but how many people actually follow this little cliche’ of neglected wisdom?
Reference: Who Moved Your Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson (This is a small quirky lil book but packs a punch of wisdom!)