Don't be Creative, OR ELSE!
You have been conditioned your whole life to NOT be creative. You have been conditioned to be a battery in a corporate matrix and cog in a mechanistic society. And the pressure to conform to this is outstanding.
Your ability to create has been conditioned out of you. As a child you’re made to ‘do as your told’, to respect your elders (ie. don’t question them) – even the best parents do this – it's not even that this is 'wrong' per se but the point remains. In school you were taught to conform, to not question the established order and to rote learn “facts”. Not only that, if you do try to be original and fail, you’re again punished with, at the very least, negative social feedback. At work it’s back to being a child, ‘do as your told’ – ‘don’t question authority’. Again, these things may have their place but with respect to your ability to create... utterly detrimental.
Your ability to create, to be original and think differently have been pummeled out of you your whole life, at least to some degree. Consider that everything you’ve ever been told as fact is actually false – notice the feeling of discomfort that comes up if you even entertain that idea. This discomfort is what prevents you from questioning the established order and being creative.
Even now as you read this, the conditioned patterns of thinking are probably coming up trying to dissuade you from acknowledging this. To be creative is to question what you’ve accepted to be true. Often an uncomfortable process, as our sense of selves have been tied up with our ideas and beliefs about how things operate. Most people won’t even be able to finish this paragraph as they murmur “that’s not me, I know what’s going on”, meanwhile stagnating in their pursuits as they do the same thing expecting different results.
To be expansive takes the ability to question the current system of action, it takes creativity. If you haven't already, make sure to check out the, Neurocognitive Science of Creativity, to understand the difference between a highly-creative brain and one that is less so.
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