Its all about why you want to do this business?
90% of people wants to start a startup a business because they want to make money.
They want the luxury cars, private jets, costly watches. But let me assure them, that they are gonna lose big.
It does not matter whether you are 20, 40 or 50 years old, It really does not take a hero to figure out the simple math behind the deal you want them to sign. They can easily figure out what’s in it for you. If your cause of doing your thing is making money, then my friend you are gonna lose big. Instead, if your cause is strong and it really benefits the end consumer then you will eventually end up making more money. That’s the secret recipe of making money.
There is literally no shortcut to make money. but since it require genuine effort, most of the people fail to follow it.
"It's your choice, either you can fool people and call your chips within 2 or 3 years and make a million, and a bad reputation as well
You can work hard for may be 20 years build a sweet sugar empire that has a belief and which genuinely benefits the end consumers and take away trillions and your business be written in history books about which your great grandsons will talk."
If money is your primary concern, you will end up bad. Steve jobs never started with "Hey!! Lets get rich, I have an amazing idea.â€
He always wanted to put the dent in the computer industry and that’s why APPLE is a great success.
Focus on the journey, money is the outcome of your journey.
Money Fades, Legacy sustains.
Thank You.
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