Don’t Command Respect But Earn It With These Simple Changes In Behaviour

Don’t Command Respect But Earn It With These Simple Changes In Behaviour

Not all human behaviour makes a whole lot of sense.?

There are some people who leave you thinking ‘what just happened’ even with a single interaction and then there are some whom you wish to be in the company of as every action or word of theirs hits right.

Respect isn’t just about authority; it’s about how you carry yourself and interact with others.?

A few subtle shifts in your everyday behaviour, and you too can be the person most people look up to.?

  • Be your authentic self

We all want to just fit right in. Everyone is afraid of being different and singled out as this is how our minds have been conditioned. Most of us put energy into appearing wonderful, flawless and virtuous.

Go against the grain. Be your authentic self, as everyone likes real, but only the unbothered ones are.

  • Make someone uncomfortable, not literally

It’s about broaching topics of conversation few dare to.

Instead of talking in circles, address the elephant in the room. However, it requires tact, timing, and empathy.?

  • Be undistracted and attentive

Conversations these days are highly distracted and the one always in the middle of it is our mobile phones.?

How refreshing is it to see people talking and other people actively attentive? Stop being so distracted and put away your phone when in an in-person conversation.??

  • Show grace and empathy

When in a discussion, most of us just want to prove our point, how we are in the right.

Uphold professional standards in conduct and communication, even in challenging situations. Conduct yourself in the way you would want others to conduct with you.

  • Your consistency says it all

Being consistent in your ways, words, and work shows you are reliable and reliability breeds respect.?

Consistently meeting deadlines, delivering quality work, and being dependable earns trust and admiration.

  • Sharpen up your physical appearance

We can’t change how we look, but we can maximize our appearance.

Be well-groomed, well-dressed, well-mannered.?

Some might claim that caring about how we look is shallow, but deep down it adds to our confidence and shows that we take care of every aspect of our life.

  • Repeat their words

Most of us are always talking about everything we want people to know about our lives and problems. Only a few of us listen to what others have to say. Think about it??

Take a moment to turn it around and help others feel heard. A simple way to do this is to repeat some of what someone is saying. This can reinforce a strong bond between you.

  • Keep your emotions in check

Are you quick to react? Here goes your chance.

Reactive people have tiny gaps. They don’t create space between a trigger and their emotional response. Non-reactive people learn to nurture gaps to not allow any tension in themselves to dissipate.

  • Empower yourself and others

Empowered people, empower people.?

Empowering someone doesn’t take much. Just be sensitive and supportive towards people around you. Recognize their strengths, offer help when needed, and celebrate their successes.

Behind every action lies a person with feelings and aspirations.?

Respect isn’t just about outward actions; it’s about genuinely caring for those around you. Incorporating these small changes into your daily interactions can significantly influence how others perceive and respect you not only at work, but in life.

