Don't Change the World!

Don't Change the World!

Surely, you’ve read or heard Gandhi’s famous saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Although that’s a powerful admonishment, at the risk of sounding cynical, I’m not sure how much of a change any of us can make to the world. One of my most favorite teachers said what I do believe is possible, though. St Francis of Assis said, “Don’t try to change the world. Change worlds.”

You see, we all, really each, live in our very own world. Yeah, we may live around, and with, other people who we affect by our behavior and attitude, but the only person who really lives your life is you. We, each, are the same in that respect, as we are different.

After I retired, my mom would always encourage me to move back to New Mexico, where I grew up and where she lived. It broke my heart to explain to her that that world wasn’t my world anymore. First, it was incredibly hot down there and I don’t do hot anymore. But the culture, the environment, the people, even she and my siblings were different than those I lived with for fifty-plus years. It just wasn’t my world anymore. My world had changed. I wasn’t comfortable there, but I was where I lived.

If you aspire to be an Effective Leader, consider, especially when you’re mentoring, coaching, or guiding your followers, that they each live in their own world. It’s probably different than yours. And what works in your world may or may not work in theirs.

I don’t have to tell you how important empathy is in your dealings with others. The essence of empathy is understanding. Just that. Not sympathizing, just understanding. Take time to observe each of your followers and try to imagine what their world must be like. You won’t succeed in knowing what it’s like, but you’ll get closer than by not trying. The more you know about their world, the better decisions you’ll make, and the more positive impact you’ll be able to have on them.

We all live in our own little world, and as little as it may be, or seem to be, it’s our very own. Lead knowing that. By positively affecting your followers’ worlds, you will likely change the world.

Until next time, be GREAT! You ARE!


Chief bob vásquez!


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