Don't bother networking...
By Ian Earl

Don't bother networking...

A strange statement you might think from someone who is a keen advocate of networking. Well maybe not so strange if you add the caveat, ‘if you don’t want to grow your business.’


On many occasions I’ve had people say to me that networking doesn’t work and it’s a waste of time. But like many things it’s only a waste of time if you don’t approach it with the right attitude.


Without doubt, one of the best ways of growing a business is through word of mouth recommendations.


Often in business, success comes from a mixture of hard work, determination, positive outlook, a little luck along with several other important attributes. If you think about it though, it often comes by making the right connections and meeting the right people, either by chance or by design.


Most business I would say, comes from the interaction of two people meeting, having a conversation, liking each other and of course building that all-important element of trust.


You may be a complete genius at what you do, your product might be the best thing since sliced bread. (Incidentally, the first slices being cut commercially by machine on the 7th July, 1928 - invented by Otto Rohowedder a Missouri based jeweller – who knew!) But, if you can’t get in front of the right person to sell your product or service then you’re stuffed!


However, if you’ve been connecting and networking with different people and through the course of those conversations, you might just meet someone who can introduce you to the person you are looking to promote your product or service to, then ‘Kaboom.’


It’s not what you know, but who you know that can be one of the biggest factors in being successful.


So go on, get out there and connect with people today.

Stephen Andert

Technical Evangelism | Database SME | Solutions Architect/Engineer | Database Specialist | Latin American Market Expansion Specialist, Introverted Public Speaker, Bilingual/Multi-Cultural, Ex-IBM

5 年

So true. Great advice for everyone on business, but equally relevant to everyone else. You never know when your network will help you find a job, a good deal on a car repair or anything else. More importantly, you may find someone that you can help and make a difference in their life.

Janet Doran

Leadership & Management Trainer | Facilitator| Assessor | ILM level 3 & 5 | Apprenticeship Assessor | Freelance

5 年

Great article Tracey. I love the point about being a genius only matters if other people know about it.?


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