Don’t believe your own fears!

Don’t believe your own fears!

Good morning (and thanks for joining this LinkedIn newsletter journey!)

Let's talk about something we all feel but rarely discuss… the dreaded ‘F Word’. That’s right: FEAR.

You know that annoying voice in your head? The one that sounds suspiciously like your mother-in-law when it hisses, "You can’t do this" or "You’re going to mess up!”

Fear loves to make a grand entrance, usually uninvited, and ruin every party! I'm here to tell you it's time to silence that voice because life is about much more than being blocked by our fears.

But here’s the issue: Our fears feel so intense that we believe them. Every. Single. Time! And we need to challenge them, especially when it comes to communication skills and public speaking! Because effective and powerful communication isn't just a ‘nice-to-have’ skill. It's a game-changer, a door-opener, and a serious confidence-booster. It impacts every single part of our lives; from our careers, to our relationships, and everything in between.

So, how do we silence that inner critic and the fear it loves to push? Here are a few key tips to remember:

1. Fear is a feeling, not a fact

Just because it’s loud and feels like it belongs in a daytime drama, it doesn’t mean it's true. Don’t believe your fear just because it feels intense!

2. Our brain loves to jump to the worst-case scenario

Fear's just trying to protect you from the unknown, like a very overprotective parent. Next time it creeps in, acknowledge it (like a friendly wave to a neighbour you don’t actually want to chat with) and reframe any negative thoughts. Don’t pretend fear doesn’t exist; denial never works. Instead, start to see fear as an invitation for new opportunities.

3. Be kind… to you!

Feeling scared or nervous? Congratulations, you’re a living, breathing human. Don’t be hard on yourself if you feel nervous or fearful! We all feel fear, especially when we step into new situations. A little self-love goes a long, long way — so cut yourself some slack and let yourself fumble, stumble, and grow with a lot of space and a lot of grace!

4. Every expert was once a (clueless) beginner

No-one is born knowing how to ace every presentation or speech. You're exactly where you're supposed to be — and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone is the whole point. Your journey starts with one step. And then another. And then maybe after that, a pirouette for flair...

So it’s time to take charge of your fear and show it who's boss. If you have a desire to speak up and be heard, that desire is dancing in your heart for a reason.

So let it shine!

Sending you courage, confidence, and lots of glitter,

Jordana xx


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