Don’t back up in anger
Graeme Gordon
We solve problems for SME - Enterprise sized organisations when it comes to the improvement, management and support of their IT Infrastructure and services. I'm a husband, dad, CEO, TEDx Speaker, Non Executive, Mentor,
A vital part of any cyber security strategy and plan must be an off network back up of your data. Yes copying and backing up data can be boring - the modern day equivalent of standing at the photocopier it has been said – but a robust backup plan will see you through some difficult and challenge times shoudl someone or soemthing try and split you up.
Let's put some context round the problem.
Backing up key data must be a key part of your business plan and operations anyway – 96% of business surveyed by LogicMonitor had experienced a business data outage in the last 3 years – that's a system or part system failure that stopped the business accessing key data and also resulted in some sort of data loss.
From a cyber point of view 28% of security breaches involved ransomware - making files on targeted systems inaccessible or unreadable with the average downtime for businesses as a result of a ransomware attack was 16.2 days.
Those businesses with a regular, tested and proven offsite backup process recovered 97% of their data after a ransomware attack - simply by being able to roll back to a clean uncompromised copy of their data as part of their cyber security processes.
As cloud adoption continues with more of us moving applications and data to cloud based platforms, you need to consider how these are backed up. Just running your applications on Office 365, AWS or Google does not mean they are protected from loss the way your business needs them to – be sure to check and compare what options are open to you.
IFB has delivered and supported our business-critical Data BackUp service for organisations of all sizes since 2008. It is designed to ensure we take offsite backups of your key data on a regular automated and scheduled basis, encrypts these for you and protects them for as long as you need us to.
We make it simple and easy for you to restore a single file or a full server directly as and when you need to – should you need to.
To get in the know about your security threats register here and complete the survey or call us on 0845 270 2101 to find out more.
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