Don't Be Alarmed the DOT Audit notice you received may not be from the FMCSA!
Sam Hawkins Sr. [CSP, ASP, CHST]
Let's Not Meet By Accident!? |OSHA & DOT Compliance Solutions| |Truck Crash Expert Witness|
I visited the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration site today looking for updates and ran across the posting below. If you receive an audit notice contact your local DOT or FMCSA directly to confirm it is legit.
"Have you ever received a notice stating the following?
“Your Company is out of compliance.”
“Don’t fail your DOT audit!”
You are subject to a civil penalty up to $ 10,000 for being out of compliance.”
More than likely the letter you received was sent from a private company that is aggressively marketing supervisor training to motor carriers. Neither FMCSA nor any other agency within the U.S. DOT is affiliated with or endorses the services offered by these companies. FMCSA is monitoring the marketing of training services by private entities, and is taking steps to ensure that these companies are not representing themselves as affiliated with or endorsed by FMCSA."
Source below:
Let's Not Meet By Accident!