Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for What You Want
Are You Afraid to Ask for What You Want?
Think about the times you’ve been standing in a room and there’s the person you’ve been dying to connect with. You know you should just walk up and ASK that question, but insecurity fills your brain, and the excuses start to flood in.? Now’s not a good time.? What if they don’t like me?? What if they’re annoyed that I approached them?” And BAM! ...the moment is gone.??
My husband who is my twin flame and the love of my life, had that one moment in a room of crowded people to approach me and ask a question. If that opportunity had been missed, if he hadn’t approached the question in the right way, we would have both missed out on the greatest relationship of our lifetimes. We would have been ships that passed in the night. What a tragedy that would have been since now we’re both enjoying this amazing life adventure together!?
ASKING is THE key to revealing and moving toward your ultimate life.?? But most people are terrified to ask because they were shut down in the past!??
It’s pretty much a universal truth. Nobody likes to be told “no.” The fear of rejection is a powerful moderator, causing us to hold our tongue, be quiet, sit back, and wait for something to come to us on its own. The problem with that pattern is that the things we desire will continue to elude us, and we’ll stay stuck in our box until we decide to break the pattern. The key to breaking the pattern is to always remember this: if you don’t ask—the answer is already an automatic?no!
?ASKING is the language of the Universe that delivers all answers, connects all possibilities, and reveals all that is hidden.?
Our minds are brilliantly structured with a tendency toward unlimited and ever-evolving questions. We must pay attention to what’s going on inside ourselves to discover if we’ve been stifled, stopped, or detoured from utilizing the greatest stimulator of thinking, innovation, and life advancement ever given to any life form—that stimulator is ASKING. Only humans have the capacity to ask, think, store insights from asking, and continue to ask until the answer shows up in their experience one way or another.?
Effective asking becomes its own language that is both art and science. It’s time to figure out how you’ve utilized the language of asking in the past, starting from your childhood, to discover if your asking skills were honed--- or were they shut down in your personal past, and how you can rekindle the art of asking to create a massive shift and ever greater fulfillment in your life.?
We all come from different families with different norms, traditions, and family patterns. Without laying blame on those who came before us, it is important to understand how our childhood opportunities to ask and be answered might have been encouraged or shut down. That’s not to judge our background harshly because little good usually comes of that. It is only to understand what our upbringing taught, or did not teach us in terms of asking skills and what we need to learn going forward as we integrate the art of asking more easily into our lives.?
In our book ASK the Bridge from you dreams to your destiny, the research we did shows that asking doesn’t come naturally to people but research also shows that being a great asker is one of the key factors that makes people reach extraordinary success!?? That’s why it’s SO important to look more deeply at the topic of asking and learn to be a better asker if you’re going to achieve the success and happiness you desire.? There are specific channels through which you need to learn to ask to get your life back on track. In our book we also reveal how to formulate the right questions, in the right way at the right time, to help make YOU one of the most successful people as you know!?
Truly, your entire life journey will be determined by the questions you ask.?
I want to invite you to JOIN US IN OUR COMPLIMENTARY MASTER CLASS ON BECOMING A MASTER ASKER. We’ll help you move down the path of fulfillment and success to your greatest destiny!?
Good question-asking takes mentorship, learning, and practice to be mastered, just like building up the pectoral muscles to do a hundred push-ups. No one can do it on the first try. We help you identify the baggage you’re carrying from the past that is stopping you from being a powerful asker and we create an environment so that you can learn this skill and make it an artform in your life.? Join us and become a Master Asker and Master Manifestor today!