Don't address the Glass Ceiling, address the Broken Rug...
Karishma Manchanda (CDP, CDT)
Inclusion, Diversity and CSR Champion, Certified D&I Consultant and Inclusion Trainer, Culture & OD Specialist, Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Author | XLRI, ICFAI, IMI | Ex- HCL, Serco, Newgen
The term "broken rung" refers to a significant obstacle faced by women in their career advancement journey, particularly in corporate settings. Rather than the commonly cited "glass ceiling," which implies a barrier at the highest levels of leadership, the broken rung concept highlights the initial step up to manager as the critical point where women face substantial challenges.
According to the Women in the Workplace study, for every 100 men promoted from entry-level positions to manager, only 87 women are promoted. This disparity worsens for women of colour, with only 73 women of colour promoted to manager for every 100 men. This phenomenon creates a significant gap in managerial positions between men and women, ultimately impacting the number of women eligible for promotion to higher leadership roles.
The broken rung concept suggests that because women face greater difficulty in securing promotions to managerial positions, they often lag behind their male counterparts in terms of career progression. This initial hurdle sets the stage for a persistent gender gap in leadership roles throughout the corporate pipeline.
Link to Report:
To address the "broken rung" and promote gender equality in corporate leadership, organizations can implement various strategies. Here are some suggestions:
By implementing these strategies, organizations can work towards fixing the broken rung and creating a more equitable and inclusive environment for women to succeed in corporate leadership roles.
#WomenInTheWorkplace #GenderDiversity #CareerEquity #LeadershipGap
#CorporateEquality #DiversityandInclusion #BreakingTheRung #GlassCeiling