Don't address the Glass Ceiling, address the Broken Rug...

Don't address the Glass Ceiling, address the Broken Rug...

The term "broken rung" refers to a significant obstacle faced by women in their career advancement journey, particularly in corporate settings. Rather than the commonly cited "glass ceiling," which implies a barrier at the highest levels of leadership, the broken rung concept highlights the initial step up to manager as the critical point where women face substantial challenges.

According to the Women in the Workplace study, for every 100 men promoted from entry-level positions to manager, only 87 women are promoted. This disparity worsens for women of colour, with only 73 women of colour promoted to manager for every 100 men. This phenomenon creates a significant gap in managerial positions between men and women, ultimately impacting the number of women eligible for promotion to higher leadership roles.

The broken rung concept suggests that because women face greater difficulty in securing promotions to managerial positions, they often lag behind their male counterparts in terms of career progression. This initial hurdle sets the stage for a persistent gender gap in leadership roles throughout the corporate pipeline.

Link to Report:

To address the "broken rung" and promote gender equality in corporate leadership, organizations can implement various strategies. Here are some suggestions:

  • Implement Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: Create formal mentorship and sponsorship programs that pair women with experienced leaders who can provide guidance, support, and advocacy for their career advancement.
  • Equalize Promotion Criteria: Review promotion criteria and ensure they are fair and unbiased. Provide training for managers on identifying and mitigating unconscious biases in the promotion process.
  • Establish Diversity Targets: Set measurable diversity targets for leadership positions and hold leaders accountable for achieving them. This can help track progress and ensure a more inclusive talent pipeline.
  • Offer Leadership Development Programs: Provide targeted leadership development programs specifically designed for women at all levels of the organization. Focus on building skills such as negotiation, assertiveness, and strategic thinking.
  • Encourage Flexible Work Arrangements: Promote flexible work arrangements that accommodate employees' diverse needs and preferences. This can include options for remote work, flexible hours, and job-sharing arrangements.
  • Address Workplace Culture: Foster an inclusive and supportive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected. Encourage open dialogue about gender equality issues and provide resources for addressing unconscious bias and microaggressions.
  • Sponsor Employee Resource Groups: Support and sponsor employee resource groups (ERGs) focused on gender diversity and women's advancement. These groups can provide networking opportunities, professional development, and advocacy within the organization.
  • Conduct Regular Diversity Training: Offer regular diversity and inclusion training for all employees to raise awareness of gender bias and promote inclusive behaviours. Include interactive workshops and discussions to facilitate learning and reflection.
  • Measure and Track Progress: Collect data on gender representation at all levels of the organization and regularly track progress toward gender equality goals. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate commitment to gender equality from the top leadership level by appointing women to key leadership positions and visibly supporting initiatives aimed at advancing women in the workplace.

By implementing these strategies, organizations can work towards fixing the broken rung and creating a more equitable and inclusive environment for women to succeed in corporate leadership roles.

#WomenInTheWorkplace #GenderDiversity #CareerEquity #LeadershipGap

#CorporateEquality #DiversityandInclusion #BreakingTheRung #GlassCeiling



