Donor retention= dollar retention
Debbi Stanley, CFRE
Fundraising consultant specializing in aligning mission and funding with technology and resources.
The other night was homecoming at our high school (Go Eagles). My husband – an active alum – told me that someone in the snack bar didn’t give Mr. Big Donor his Dr. Pepper. It created quite the flurry and of course, it had nothing to do with a Dr. Pepper.
It was about respect. Authentically caring about that person and taking the time and energy to connect and understand why he gives! And why it is hard for him to stand in line at half-time to get his gosh-darned Dr. Pepper.
What is your Dr. Pepper story?
There has been a lot of buzz lately about donor stewardship and the dismal state of donor retention in our industry. At a recent AFP meeting, the speaker asked the audience, how many of you know your percent of donor retention. Only THREE people raised their hands.
Every single development officer, board member, senior leader can tell a story about a donor who left because of something or another. But what about those lower tier donors who never had the chance to get to know you. I challenge you to clear your decks a bit. Find some time this season to focus on not giving but “gave-ingâ€.
Start small! Just know your number and grow it 10%
For the past several years I have run customer success teams for technology companies serving the nonprofit community. My goal was to retain 90% of our clients year over year.
Research is showing that the average nonprofit is retaining less than 30% of their donors.
By changing that paradigm slightly, you could recover donated dollars that are flooding out your door every year.
If any for profit company only retained 30% of their clients year over year, they would not survive.
But how do we do this with limited time, talent and money?
Join our webinar on October 24 where we will show you three ways to improve your donor retention during this full and vibrant giving season. And how the NonProfit Success Group can help make it happen.
I hope you can join us. Register here.