Karl Dakin
Capital Coach | Stakeholder Investor Campaigns | Design, Stage, and Manage or Support | Reduce Time, Money, and Risk of Raising Funding | Increase Probability of Success! | Opportunity Management
·?????? Quick Calendar
·?????? Funding Point
·?????? Capital Coach
·?????? Successful Funding Show
·?????? Don Cohen Show
In addition to this Instant Funding newsletter, I host the Successful Funding show, appear as a guest on various podcasts and television shows, speak at various events, and present my educational programs. I quickly list upcoming opportunities to share information, learn, or meet in person or via videoconferencing. I've included more info below.
= Don Cohen – Wednesday, May 1, 9 a.m. MDT – LinkedIn Live
SuperCrowd Chicago – Workshop on Crafting Crowdfunding Offers – June 12 – time TBD
I designed a fundraising campaign over the weekend that will launch on Wednesday and hope to complete it by May 18 – a sprint. The campaign will seek donations to benefit the charity Camp Wapiyapi through my participation in the 5K race (run, jog, or walk) of the Colfax Marathon event on May 18 and 19th.
?Because of the short time frame, between today and May 18th, I am using all available tools to expedite the campaign. Like every small business funding fantasy, I intend to simply ask for money and expect that I will see donations made immediately to Camp Wapiyapi.
?In implementing this campaign sprint, I will look to my three key factors in successfully raising funding: (1) the person making the donation is known to me, (2) the person requested to make a donation has cash in hand between now and May 18th to write a check or swipe a credit card and (3) most importantly, have the motivation to make a donation to this charity at this time based upon my request.
?With all of these limitations recognized, it is still necessary for me to allocate time to the campaign and be as efficient as possible to have any chance of success. I have to reach out and contact my prioritized list of donor prospects (based upon my perception of their motivation – discussed in yesterday’s edition of this Instant Funding newsletter) in a respectful way that allows for the time to make these individuals aware of my donor campaign, understand and appreciate Camp Wapiyapi as the beneficiary of the campaign and to go onto the Camp Wapiyapi website and make a donation before May 18th.
?To accomplish this, I have created a number of scripts:
·??????? In-person phone call or video conference
·??????? Social media posts
·??????? Thank you emails
?A script is a story written in the way it will be presented that features the key points that I want to make in communicating with each person on my list of donor prospects.
?I allow myself to personalize the presentation of the story to the individual to whom the communication is directed. Personalization may be no more than inserting their name at the beginning or may be extended to add any other information or acknowledgment of the person that will underscore our prior relationship and my respect for them as a member of my community.
?With the script in hand, I can then cut and paste quickly into a series of emails that all include my chosen level of personalization.
?Using scripts requires a balance of telling the entire story in a positive fashion that gives the recipient all of the information they need without it becoming an email blast that looks and sounds like it has been sent to the entire population of the world. This is accomplished in part by personalization and partly through my prior relationship with the recipient. This communication to the recipient may be viewed as just another message within an asynchronous communication. This tone of communication is almost impossible to achieve when communicating with someone you don’t know (a cold call or email).
?For these reasons, I am not spending any significant time reaching out to people I do not know. I will post my donor campaign on my website (, training my Capital Coach, within posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and in the next Sunday edition of this Instant Funding newsletter. This communication of my donor campaign is more of a notice to people in the community of my current activities than it may be viewed as a donor request.
?When a small business engages in fundraising, it would like to raise funding immediately. However, nearly all funding campaigns require reaching out to people not previously known to the small business or its leadership, placing a major challenge in establishing a level of trust and motivation to obtain an investment. Communications with investor candidates will not be a ‘one and done’ message but will require a series of touches to make an investor candidate aware, verify their possible interest, educate them on the investment opportunity, and sell them on investing. This takes significantly more time and money than my efforts to raise donations for Camp Wapiyapi.
I am now field testing the Capital Coach, an artificial intelligence learning management system avatar (AILMSA) that I have trained on the topic of funding. The Capital Coach is embedded as a widget on my Dakin Capital website at The Capital Coach represents a proprietary data set on the Knowledge Avatars learning management system with licensed access to Open AI. Give the Capital Coach a try and ask it questions about funding.? Please share your feedback. Karl Dakin at [email protected]
YESTERDAY, my guest was David Snell. The conversation was on the topic of protecting the business - both physically and digitally - against threats. We discussed five basic strategies for improving physical and digital security while recognizing that the relationship between a small business and its team requires planning, publication and education of security protocols to be effective.
You can view a recording of this LinkedIn Event at:
The Successful Funding show on my LinkedIn profile will repeat weekly at 8 a.m., MDT on Tuesdays. You may register to attend by going on LinkedIn, searching for Events, clicking on the Events button, searching for Successful Funding, and then clicking on the Attend button. You should receive an email with a link to save to your calendar. You can also click the Share button and obtain the URL link to the show to put it in your calendar.
You may view all of the Successful Funding shows in my Posts on my LinkedIn profile at:
EARLIER TODAY, May 1, at 9 a.m. MDT, I was a guest on Don Cohen’s show on LinkedIn Live. I enjoy being a guest and engaging in conversations with other guests and with Don on building communities and using LinkedIn as a communication channel. Every show is its own adventure as we start with a word of the day and then see where the conversation goes from there.
Don is an expert on LinkedIn, particularly on the use of Live streaming to build brands and communities. We will discuss using LinkedIn as a social media platform for building communities that support raising funding.
All shows where I have been a guest can be viewed on Don Cohen's LinkedIn page under Posts.
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Karl Dakin, the Capital Coach
Dakin Capital LLC