In Photos: A Donkey's Guide to Healthy Holiday Eating
Holly Winter Huppert
Author | Educator | Educational Consultant | Formulator | Humanitarian | Travel Writer
Eat Raw Foods
Fill up on vitamins this season by adding raw foods to your meals. Hungry? Grab an apple. Very hungry? Shave an apple onto your Chef's Salad. Nearly starved? Add an apple to your protein smoothie. Eating raw provides the health and nutrition you need, naturally.
Take Breaks
When eating, remember to take a break from time to time. Join the conversation. Check out the scenery. Stay present. Meals are more fun when you connect with others.
Eat with a Friend
Studies show we tend to make healthier food choices when we eat with others. Invite a friend to share a meal with you. Everything tastes better when laughing over spilled soup.
Plan Your Meals
Fast food restaurants bank on our culture's poor food planning. Don't wait until you are hangry to think about your next meal. Buy groceries after dinner. Make large batches of your family's favorites. Cook extra portions for an easy meal later in the week. Leftover chili from Sunday night's dinner could become the base for Monday night's sloppy Joe's, Tuesday night's tacos and Wednesday night's Black Bean Soup.
(All photos copyright Holly Winter 2015. Photos taken at Donkey Park in Ulster Park, New York.)
Holly Winter is a writer and a teacher living in upstate New York. Find her on Twitter: @mshollywinter, Instagram: @mshollywinter, and her website: