Donegal road trips...
Drove home to Donegal with my nephew this evening, with great excitement it being the first time we’ve been home since the latest lockdown kicked in.
Seems like a lifetime but yet no time since we were up home at Christmas.
Which is funny because we were also saying how it feels like no time since I used to babysit him, home from college, while he sat and watched teletubbies.
Time is kinda like the analogy about putting a frog into cold water and turning up the temperature slowly, until it is boiling without the frog even realising.
It can be easy to let it pass without even realising.
Your fitness is the same.
If you tend to let healthy habits slip, you don’t notice the daily difference until the day you look into your mirror and realise you’re in your 20s/30s/40s and not only can you not play ball the way you did in college, you feel like you’re sporting a belly one of those tellytubbies would be proud of.
With the accompanying lack of energy, drive and motivation they bring.
There is good news though.
If you’ve let your fitness go, working to get it back can be done in the same manner as you lost it.
Through one habit and strong fitness day at a time.
Start it off by being aware of and honest about where you’re currently at with your fitness, then:
- Become clear on why getting fitter and healthier is so important to you. Think confidence, being an inspiration to and there for others, longevity etc.
- Set some outcome goals and daily targets to bring you forward. Daily targets can be anything from steps walked to water drank to vegetables eaten.
- Push yourself but don’t expect too much, too soon. Enjoy the process and you’ll be far more likely to stick it out.
Ultimately if there is anything that the last 15 months have shown us, it should be just how important your health and wellness is.
Starting to become aware of your habits and how well you look after yourself now is the best thing you can do to make sure yours doesn’t go off the boil (couldn’t help myself).
If you’re struggling with your health and fitness habits, shoot me a DM saying “boiling frog” and I’ll be in touch to see how we can work together to get you back on track...
Very well put Shane McShea