It Is Done! A total reframe.
Wayne Donnelly
Guiding High-Performing Professionals Reclaim Time, Reduce Stress & Master Their Mindset To Achieve Sustainable Business Growth Using Neuroscience & Coaching
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NOW, time to give you a gift.
Especially great for those of us who aspire to greater things.
What is it and what will or do for you?
Let me explain first. when we think of a goal that we want to achieve in the future, we write down the goal. Then we try to work out how to get from here where we are now to the goal that we’ve written down.
Most of us have been trained to logically work from the beginning step-by-step to the end. One of the problems with this is that we can go off on tangents, which distract us from the goal. E.g. the bright shiny object syndrome. .
When you begin to study subjects, like the law of attraction, the law of assumption, the Science of getting Rich etc you begin to understand that the place to start is not just at the end.
The place to start is AFTER the goal has been achieved. At the time when you can say “ it is done”.
Why is this important?
Ponder on this quote from Einstein "You can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created the problem".
Because we want to communicate to the unconscious mind, the destination, and more importantly, the feeling of accomplishment .
This is so we can impress upon the unconscious mind a new reality. A new mind. A new way of thinking. And when your unconscious mind takes on the new reality, it will begin to work out the pathway.
It isn’t logical. It’s the work of the unconscious mind. The miracle working force inside you.
So here is the gift I have for you today. To help you get into the feeling of having achieved your goal and looking back at it to be able to trigger you’re unconscious mind into believing that you can do it as well as bringing to you the way -“IT IS DONE” - programming your unconscious mind to create your new reality. It is a hypnosis recording to shift your reality.
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