Done Right…By a Wright
Shawn Woolman
Business Development – Brand Management – Sales Strategy – Leadership – Operational Efficiency
Chaden Halfhill at Silent Rivers Design Build had an interesting post last week discussing how a resurgence of craftsmanship in the finishing trades of home building results in homes “imbued with personal meaning.” His thoughts mirror my own as it relates to the final ‘product’ that I provide for Home Theater Concepts’ clients.
Being a craftsman (or a ‘wright’ in more traditional language) requires years of training and experience. I’ve found that training teaches the science and that experience allows for the artistic application of the science.
Home Theater Concepts has well over fifty years of A/V experience, and I personally hold two specialized certifications: Home Acoustics Alliance Level II and Imaging Science Foundation Level II. This combination of training and experience allows me to help clients hear and see their home entertainment better than they have before.
I love the highly engineered theater room or listening room as much as anyone, however, that is a fairly rare beast - most homes just don’t have available the necessary physical space. Artistic application of the science creates options for great sounding music or movies into a room. I sometimes call it ‘minimizing the compromise’.
I partner with our clients, their architects, designers, and builders to juggle the requirements of physical layout, interior design and electronics to create a visually and aurally stunning living space imbued with personal meaning. In short, a craftsman turns imagination into reality.