Donation Request for Friendship Center Take Care Totes!
Kim Larsen
Family Services Manager at Friendship Adult Day Care Center | Specializing in seniors with Dementia and TBI's.
Friendship Center, with the help of our fabulous partners, has delivered over four hundred Take Care Totes to isolated seniors in South Santa Barbara County during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many of our senior friends are living with a dementia diagnosis and/ or other health conditions and have had little to no contact with the outside world for four months. The Take Care Totes, providing snacks, personal care items, activities and more, have become a lifeline for our senior friends as well as their caregivers.
Please consider donating to our August Take Care Totes, which are Fiesta themed! See below for a list of suggested donation items as well as a link to donate monetarily. You can also donate gift cards or coupons for your businesses that will be happily enjoyed by heroic caregivers.
As we expect to deliver well over 125 Totes in August, we are grateful for donations of 50, 75 or 125 pieces of any of the following items or local business gift certificates.
Please drop off all item donations to our Montecito location at: (89 Eucalyptus Lane) on or before August 4th, 2020 or contact us to arrange for a pick-up. Delivery of the Totes to our senior friends is on August 5th.
***You can also purchase items and they will be sent to us directly through our Amazon Wish List***
Donation Suggestions:
1.) Fiesta Items- pins, scarves, head bands, etc
2.) After Sun Care / Sun Screen
3.) Lip Balm / Chap Stick
4.) Tissue Packs (individual)
5.) Individual snack packs
6.) Healthy Granola Bars
7.) Fruit Cups / Fruit Drinks (Individual)
8.) Deck of Cards / Fidget Toys
9.) Small Puzzles or Plastic Maze Games
10.) Bubbles (to blow!)
11.) Lemonade/juice packets
For more information or to arrange for drop-off/ pick-up of items:
Call: Kim Larsen- (805) 969-0859, option 1
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
From the bottom of our hearts,
Thank you all so much for keeping this community included!