Donate Now for the MATW Project Middle East: Creating Legacy with Global Impact!
This Muharram, we are on a mission. Our mission is to provide safe and clean drinking water to as many people as possible. That's not all. It also has a mission to provide beautiful Sadhaka Jaliya to as many donors as possible.
Water is essential to life, yet many countries today struggle with access to clean water. The MATW program helps people in need while building wells, thanks to the generosity of Canadian Muslims. Ali Banat introduced the concept of Islamic charity in Sadaqah Jariah, which the world desperately needs right now. Giving to others is the most unique way to feel special and your gift will benefit others.
Donate a portion of your money to areas in need and receive rewards from Allah SWT in both worlds. By donating to the charitable foundation, rest assured knowing that MATW will send the needed supplies to the disaster area on your behalf.
Our mission is to avert this catastrophe on Earth and bring peace so that all can rest. For $350 you can build a hand pump well service in Bangladesh.
$1,000 will help drill groundwater wells in Africa.
Uganda is a well with a hand pump and he receives $5,000.
$10,000 is enough for him in the deep well of Africa.
Build a solar-powered fountain for $15,000.