Autism Awareness Month - Pay it Forward
Matt Bruback
Community Relations Specialist, Marketing Professional, and Professional Photographer
Watch the video:
Most of us have been approached by many different organizations doing wonderful things for our community without inspiring us to action. Why is this?
To inspire someone is to LIGHT up their soul with purpose... to provide an overwhelming FEELING within which embodies the POWER of GIVING to share LOVE and HOPE with others.
The question To Donate, or Not to Donate? is a question we all must ask to figure out what moves us... motivates us to act. The word EMOTION originates from the Latin word "movere" meaning "to move". Does helping children MOVE you? Does helping children spark an energy deep within your soul which resonates with your personal values and life purpose? If so, please read on.
We are working with Ben and Reese Quillin to raise funds to help 250 children with autism and sensory needs. Five year old Reese recently suffered the untimely death of her mother. Just prior to this loss Reese was diagnosed with autism as well as having sensory needs. Reese has noticed significant benefit from a donated Miracle Belt and the family would like to PAY IT FORWARD to help others. Your donation will go directly towards the purchase of Miracle Belts for children suffering with autism.
We need your help... your donations... your generous donations... the time it takes to make an online purchase WILL change a child's life forever!
To DONATE visit
Our mission is to help a family heal by PAYING IT FORWARD to help 250 children with autism and sensory needs.
Who's going to put their wallet where there HEART is and pull the LOVE trigger?
Help the family meet their goal to help 250 children with autism.
For more information about the Miracle Belt visit:
"What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Each face in the rainbow of colors that populate our world is precious and special." Morris Dess
Community Relations Specialist, Marketing Professional, and Professional Photographer
9 年 TV segment on belt donation to Sarsota School System.