Donate for hospitals and general practitioners/ family doctors in Valcea!
?? Let's protect the medical staff and patients in Valcea!
The Valcea Community Foundation, MagiCAMP and Romanian United Fund started a fundraising campaign for the purchase of tests, masks, gloves, gowns, disinfectant and visors for hospitals and general practitioners/ family doctors in the county's 40 municipalities in the context of the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We need a joint effort to raise at least 65.000 lei:
?? Because in Valcea there is a big deficit of test equipment, a patient suspected of Covid-19 can stay in the hospital for 2-3 weeks because testing is not done locally. In the county, such an apparatus will be put into service, but many tests will be needed (harvest kits). We aim to purchase 3000 tests (approx 15 lei / test) and make them available to SJU Valcea (infectious disease section), that means a need of 45.000 lei.
?? Because over 40 % of the county's population lives in the countryside, where information and resources reach harder, we want to help dispensaries and family doctors who serve these municipalities to take care of their villagers as best as possible. In order to reach the 40 municipalities in the county and help with masks, gloves, disinfectant and visors, about 20.000 lei are needed to cover the current needs. We have already secured stock for them, valued at 15180 lei however, only managed to secure 12000 lei so far.
In total, we need over 65.000 lei, money that transformed into tests, masks, gloves, visors and disinfectant would help doctors and nurses do their job and protect us better (prices and quantities can suffer changes).
?? We will ensure transparency of donations, publishing the list of donors and purchases made. Donate here:
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