Donald v. Tyson

Donald v. Tyson

Originally posted on Facebook: December 9 at 5:34am

So everything's coming up Trump and Fury huh. Tyson and Donald made the news on the same day saying different things with the same trapped fly approach to politics.

Both have their audiences, in many ways the same type of audience, the audience that feels stifled by the political correct approach to things, the audience that has run out of patience with tolerance and finds themselves floundering in a world that has passed them by and is disappearing into the distance. How they long for the good old days when women were as Tyson described them, white men were white men and those damn gays were firmly closeted.

Neither Tyson nor Donald expected the furore they got, In Donald's case it was all he had hoped for as the Press continue to assist him in achieving exactly what they continue to pundit-ise he won't achieve with the kind of exposure even he couldn't pay for without wincing. As for Tyson, I'm sure he is already a little less furious. He reminds me of the school bully who knows he has pushed his luck too far with the School and is desperately attempting to stop his bottom lip from quivering as he his marched form the classroom.
Debunking their opinions is pointless.

I'm incredibly unimpressed by everyone peppering their commentary with words like"I wholeheartedly condemn" "outraged" "morally indefensible" and "quite simply wrong". Cringe worthy Tweets that begin "MuslimAmericans" [damn is that a politically correct phrase now?] and flippant remarks like Boris "please don't let it be him" Johnson's "The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump" repartee which just shows how unfit he is to PM, again, and how much in demand he undoubtedly is as an after dinner speaker. The fact is there is a lot of support out there for both men. In Trump's case that's obvious and in Tyson's case er, that's obvious too.

The fact is that currently we have no indisputable way of knowing what someone is thinking (although I'm sure Google and Apple are in an Arms race on that one) and without that knowledge, the truth is snug behind the platitudes and fake frowns.This fact should be a considerable part of young Mr.Tyson's prayers tonight and every night and will be very helpful once he realises that people are beginning to stop saying 'Tyson who?' and he learns to shut the hell up.

As for Donald, if people had stopped for an "outraged" second and examined his suggestion we would have noticed the obvious gaping hole in his plan to ban people of a certain faith from the US. How does Donald plan to identify the "Muslims"? The name won't do it, skin colour won't, country of origin?, nope, not that either. You see faith, like thoughts can be private. If I say nothing you know nothing. John Brown from Scarborough could be the biggest Jihadi known to man and he'd stroll past Donald's gestapo with a smile. What we need to do as far as Donald is concerned is to laugh at him a little more and publicise him a lot less and before we know it he'll be back to building Towers rather than attempting to be responsible for protecting them.

? Toks Majek

#TysonFury #DonaldTrump


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