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The PML-N launched its protest programme with a rally on Temple Road here on Saturday. Contrary to the expectation very less crowd gathered though a number of party workers gathered there, shouting slogans against Prime Minister Imran Khan and ‘NAB-Niazi nexus’. They expressed solidarity with their leaders – Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif – saying that this ‘selected’ PTI government’s days were numbered. Although the PML-N has pledged to fully participate in rallies to be taken out under the newly-formed Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), it has planned some separate public meetings in Punjab, of which the Saturday’s event was the first. It was a failed rally & unnecessarily exposed people to Corona Spread, besides achieving nothing but more discredit?

Prime Minister Imran Khan’s successful policies are being recognized internationally as the World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared Pakistan the Champion for Nature. The title has been awarded to Pakistan for making environment friendly decisions amidst the coronavirus pandemic. It has been learnt that Pakistan’s decisions of launching the Billion Tree Tsunami project, making national parks and banning plastic bags are the reasons behind this title.  

IT WAS A GREAT MOMENT. PM Imran, who last year made his debut at the UN as head of state, was the sixth speaker in the afternoon session on September 25.We expect that the Prime Minister will once again raised the cause of the Kashmiri people for self-determination and Azadi [freedom] from Indian oppression," He also addressed corona preventive strategy, climate change in Pakistan, poverty reduction, locust control, capping terrorism, anti money laundering laws, eradication of corruption rising economy of Pakistan, financial, legal ,health & education reforms &Pakistan's role in peace making in the UN/Region/World( Iran-Afghanistan-talks),no war waging in Kashmir, not covertly exploiting Chinese gains in favour of Pakistan& control of Terrorism, Locust Attack and Covid-19)

The influence of Imran Khan in Pakistan is higher than any other person. He has done for Pakistan as a cricketer, humanitarian and now serving as a changed politician as well.

As Cricketer:

Cricket is not national sport of Pakistan but if it has become an iconic thing, Imran Khan has huge contribution in it. Imran Khan introduced the fast bowling cult which is everlasting. He became one of the finest allrounder of cricket to till date. Winning WC in 1992 is one of his biggest cricket achievement. He introduced world class players like Wasim Akram, Inzamam ul Haq and Waqar Younis who continued his legacy. Every Pakistani who loves cricket, can't hate Imran Khan.

As Humanitarian:

Imran Khan lost his mother in 1985 due to cancer. This changed his as a person and cancer hospital became his prime purpose in life. He went to every town of Pakistan in order to raise funds for cancer hospital. You would be amazed that he receive massive support from Indians in UK and other parts of the world in order to raise funds. Lady Diana, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Amitath Bachan and Aamir Khan were vital figures in fund raising and also big fans of Imran Khan. In 1994, first cancer hospital was inaugurated in Lahore and now by the grace of Allah, there are two other cancer hospital working in Peshawar and Karachi. There are reports that Imran Khan will consider to have another cancer hospital in Quetta.

As Politician:

Imran Khan started his political career in 95–96 under the platform of Pakistan Threek e Insaaf (Pakistan Justice Movement is meaning of his party name). Pakistan Muslim League and Pakistan People’s Party are established parties therefore he didn’t received positive response. Despite all challenges, he didn't gave up and continued to strive for political reforms in Pakistan. He is probably the only Pakistani politician whose party moto is fight against injustice and corruption. I admit PTI has yet to do a lot to come in power but Imran Khan is inspiration of Pakistani Youth.


President Trump told the White House medical staff he was feeling “great.” He is symptom-free and has required no supplemental oxygen, according to a statement released Wednesday by his physician. There were no further details on his treatment for Covid-19.Trump left hospital in much criticized drive-by amid COVID-19 treatment. How fortunate USA is to have as President the bravest man in America. A man who was not afraid of death? Trump himself said it had been "a really interesting journey" as he quipped: "I learned a lot about COVID." "I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn't the 'let's read the book' school. And I get it. I understand it. "It's a very interesting thing, and I'm going to be letting you know about it. "In the meantime, we love the USA, and we love what's happening. "The president, in what appeared to be an effort to show strength with just weeks to go before the election, also said he would "pay a little surprise" to those gathered outside the medical facility, applauding their "enthusiasm

1 .President Donald Trump's goal of declaring victory by withdrawing American troops before November's election whereas current and former national security officials say that the Trump administration kick started the peace process ,a peace process involving the Taliban is viewed by many as the only way to accomplish that goal. The looming deadline of the US election has also impacted the behind the scenes tactics of top US Taliban negotiator, Zalmay Khalilizad, as he sought to speed up the process of releasing Taliban prisoners by the Afghan Government.

In case of success Donald Trump would then be the reelected & Noble Prize winner (he already has Iran calm,Iraq quell and US no serious meddling in Indo-China /KSA politics at his credit, over and above that, his global vision & sagacity saved US from hay while condemning China irrationally for spread of Corona). Needless to say PM Imran Khan & Gen Bajwa have also played pivotal role in maintaining peace in South Asia as well as ensured timely fire fighting in Gulf/ME embroil.

2. USA GOES TO ELECTION SOON Across the political spectrum, many Americans are obsessed with the idea that President Trump will pull off another surprise victory this November. Today, I want to look at how such a victory might happen. If recent polls are perfectly accurate, Joe Biden will win probably, taking both the Upper Midwest and several Sun Belt states. But they may not be. The state-by-state polls could be off in a systematic way, as they were in 2016, when they underestimated Trump’s white working-class support. Pollsters have tried to fix that problem, and there is no reason to believe they have failed, as The Times’s Nate Cohn says. But polling is an inexact science, made harder by the decline in landline phones.

The bigger issue is that the campaign isn’t over, and Trump could gain support in the final weeks. One possibility is that the coming Supreme Court confirmation battle will sway some conservative voters who are dissatisfied with Trump. If the campaign were a referendum on his presidency, they might vote for Biden. If the confirmation battle instead gets them thinking about whether they’re conservative or liberal, they could come home to Trump.


3. Oddly enough, not one speaker or candidate representing the Democratic Party Convention mentioned or denounced the epic increase in murder(supposedly), violent crime, looting, anarchy and chaos that has swept across the nation in every big city that is governed, managed and run by Democratic Party politicians. This is all about fear, money and economic plunder. This election is the most epic power-grab in history. During the recent conventions totally absent was any mention of the Democratic Party’s obsession over the last four years with hoaxes and witch hunts that lacked any facts, evidence or basis in reality. These included

1.Trump’s impeachment 2. Ukraine-gate

3.Russia-gate 4.Trump being a Russian agent

5. Mueller investigation ; $35-million

Such haunted lacuna which uncovered nothing but minor “process crimes”. The intelligence community couldn’t even be bothered to follow detailed investigative principles in order to find the truth by exploring all evidence issues and providing an evidentiary basis for discussion and debate. Instead, they just focused on slandering reputations.


4 .The media have also taken part by faithfully serving as the fifth column of the Democratic Party and continuing to pitch unhinged and baseless allegations against Trump. Here are a few examples. MSNBC’s Maddow spouted a new insane Russia theory every day and promised the “walls were closing in on Trump”. Others in the media went as far as saying that it’s only a matter of time before we see Trump and his family taken off to prison in handcuffs. National Public Radio (NPR) has promoted the books,"The room where it happened" by John Bolton to defame Donald Trump,in another book, "In Defense of Looting"This book is a history of violent protest sparking social change, a compelling re-framing of revolutionary activism, and a practical vision for a dramatically restructured society. (this book is number one on Amazon),the author Vicky Osterweil argues that stealing goods and destroying property are direct, pragmatic strategies of wealth redistribution and improving life for the working class--not to mention the brazen messages these methods send to the police and the state.On the contrary Donald Trump and Democrats, believe that the people doing the riots are coming from the outside.looters and rioters are not part of the protest, and they're not part of the movement. Anyway, fast emerging Media Blitz back fired earlier too so as to say, in the case of Trump Impeachment Case or Propagation against Trump down playing Corona Threat /outcry or Triggering worthwhile agitation in the case of killing of George Floyd?Isn't it true?Conversely all this added to the glorification of Donald Trump one way or the other & the Democrats were taken aback?

5 .Trump recognizes the danger that the communist state of China poses to America and, unlike Biden, is willing to take a stand against Chinese spying, IP theft, and political influence. Trump’s RNC speech mentioned China sixteen times, whereas Biden’s DNC speech only mentioned China once. Trump correctly identified that “Biden’s agenda is Made in China”. During a Donald Trump second term, and his survival of the coming Hillary Clinton-inspired legal challenges, Trump will continue to reduce China’s grip on America. Many anticipate a huge economic upside (despite recent Sino-Indian rapprochement) because, for India China’s role in America is further marginalized by Trump. We've spoken a lot about the conventions, and while they may not have shifted the needle in terms of the national polls, they told us much about how these two campaigns will treat arguably the defining issue of the 2020 election.

6. Mr Biden has been ahead of Mr Trump in most polls conducted since the start of 2020, but this doesn’t necessarily mean Mr Trump will be ousted from the White House. Hillary Clinton led in the polls and won almost three million votes MORE than Mr Trump in 2016, but due to the way the Electoral College works, Mr Trump still won. Winning the most votes does not always mean you win the election.

7. The strong US economy was the bedrock upon which Donald Trump wanted to build his 2020 re-election campaign. Coron avirus blew that up in March, but there have been steady gains in recent months as the President campaigns on a message of "I can build that economy again". The economy also remains one of the few measures a majority of voters rate Donald Trump positively on. While the highs of early 2020 remain a distant memory, the US economy is showing a steady, sustained recovery. And that bolsters the re-election chances of the President.

8. August was a good month for Donald Trump in the polls. But the President is still 7-8 points behind, so he'll need to find a way to both consolidate these gains and accelerate them in the months ahead. Last month was a shocker, with the second-quarter GDP contracting 32.9 per cent, the worst since records began in 1947. The next round of GDP figures will be released on September 30, so no updates on this front yet. There was also positive news on the unemployment front, with the number of unemployed Americans falling 2.8 million to 13.6 million. The raw unemployment rate also fell by 1.8 points to 8.4 per cent. The rest of the economy has shown signs of life in the past month.Indeed Donald Trump made the American most affluent Nation on the Planet by cutting global commitment expenditure considerably,this is the punchline that differentiate him from his predecessors.

9. For days & days, Democrats laid out the case against a President who they said had failed in his most basic duty — protecting Americans. In his acceptance speech, unforgivable”. For days & days, Republicans laid out their own version of reality that was heavy on claims the President acted swiftly on the threat of the virus (which was strongly refuted by fact-checking units at major US outlets) and promises of a vaccine by year's end.

10 It's been a busy month in the US, with traditional political events and unexpected incidents all influencing whether President Donald Trump will win in November. Biden claimed Trump evidently couldn't be trusted to handle the corona virus. Trump claimed Biden couldn't be trusted to keep Americans in the suburbs safe from violent crime. This is why rolling out a COVID-19 vaccine before the election is so important to Trump. This is why Biden moved so fast to cauterize any bleeding of votes on law and order." Corona virus numbers in the US have fallen from record highs in the past month, but have plateaued at levels higher than the previous wave in June and July. Trump's path to election victory is much more difficult, on paper at least. A significant majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's mishandling of the pandemic, so he needs to keep the focus on anything but corona virus. The real economy remains in tatters, despite the strength of the stock market.

11. Trump had two key advantages. As follows:-

He's a master at controlling the media narrative and will stop at nothing to keep the debate on the subject of his preference.

He has the power of incumbency and will continue to milk it for all it's worth, using both the White House as a political prop and his taxpayer-funded appointees to help make the case for him


12 .With the conventions in the rear-view mirror, we're in the home stretch of this campaign now. It's been a good month for Donald Trump across our key indicators, but they show he still has plenty of ground to make up if he's going to convince voters to give him a second term.One important astrological fact that might give us some insight into who could win is Mr Trump’s Life Path number. Your life path number is your personal numerology, worked out by adding up the numbers of your birth date. Your life path number is a bit like your star sign, because it is supposed to tell you about your personality and destiny. This number represents who you are deep down, and is the person you are spending this lifetime learning to become. Your life path number is done by adding up the digits in your birth date and reducing them in a specific way.

13. Born on June 14, 1946 so Trump is a life path 22, Donald Trump is a life path 22, so do not underestimate him. “He has a strong instinct, so do not misjudge him. I think he might win, based on the fact that 2020 is a life path 22 year… he’s in his element right now. On top of Trump’s personal numerology, the planets seem to indicate chaos. Mercury seems to be stationing direct on the day after the election, on November 4.It is said: “Mercury changing direction always causes chaos, so expect there to be recounts, complaints, and more drama. “Astrologers have been saying for a long time that it isn’t going to be conclusive, it’s not going to make sense. “There’s definitely going to be a lot of confusion because Mercury is stationing as the election is happening. “Whatever the result, there’s going to be uncertainty. It’s going to be carnage. “After the election and into 2021, the mood seems to change again. Jupiter and Saturn move to Aquarius in December, and that may flip things on its head. Aquarius is all about equality, giving money, being humanitarian, fighting for rights, and so we might expect to see a more Democratic government in 2021.”Does that mean Mr Biden might have a chance? Who knows! Expert concluded that we really don’t know what is going to happen, but there will be lots of confusion in October and November.If you think liberals were upset when Donald trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, just wait until you see what happens if he also beats Joe Biden,?

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14. CORONA DWINDLING IN PAKISTAN(AL) On 13 Oct 2020 ,confirmed positive cases in Pakistan are 319848 including addition in last 24 hours which is 385 whereas cases recovered are 304609 Rate of recovery is 95.2 % of total positive cases so far. The death toll so far has been 6588 which is 2% of positive cases &still lowest rate of fatality in the world in a country having population of over 23 crores persons ) Keeping in view fatality ratio 2%, the overall chances of recovery are 95 % ALHAM-DO-LILLAH. In summary (304609+6588) =310765cases are closed cases therefore under treatment Active Patients are 8651 till 13 Oct 2020. Recovery is 95.2% and death loss 2% which are lowest in the World (MA).

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India was "using terrorism as a state policy" to destabilize neighboring countries, and that a recent United Nations Monitoring Report had "endorsed Pakistan’s stance that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is operating from Afghanistan and with Indian support". In a statement, the Foreign Office said the United Nations Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team (MT) had independently assessed that "foreign terrorist fighters from India are travelling to Afghanistan to join the ISIL-Khorasan (ISIL-K)".In its report, according to the Foreign Office, the monitoring team "noted that an Indian national, the leader of Al Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent, was killed by international forces last year in Afghanistan". Recent murder of Maulana Adil Farooqi is an incident of brute barbarism in Karachi by the Indian backed terrorists.

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15. India suffers 7173565 Covid-19 cases &109894 death on 12 October 20? May God be kind to our neighbor. Covid-19 has crippled Indian economy very badly (losing 30% steam). Chinese Conflict, Directionless/Stubborn Leadership, Kashmir Embroil, Extremist Hindu Supremacy, Violation of International Protocol , Losing US/UN backing &Emerging CPEC Strategic Project seem rendering India off balance in a irreversible chaos with accelerated pace. India is likely to become the top COVID-19 country in the world, surpassing the United States by about the 1st week of November, that is in about a month's time. The total number of cases is also likely to cross the 80 to 95-lacs mark by then. The figure however is contingent on the number of tests being carried out," "Our results, obtained using a model based on statistical learning techniques applied to the existing data, 

16. Dear readers we are still waiting for multiple vistas opening around the South Asian Political turnings to materialize by October (Afghanistan ,India, China),initiation of Cold War between China-Russia-US, the middle east fragile states plight(Arab-Israel friendship vs Palestine hating Great Israel Plan), Iranian oil embargo & impact of sanctions, last but not the least Pakistan-India relations viz-a-viz COVID -19 atrocities around the world in future ? YET WE STRONGLY OPINE THAT DONALD TRUMP IS LIKELY TO WIN 2nd TERM ULTIMATELY!!

17. The government on Wednesday managed to pass three crucial legislation bills including Financial Action Task Force (FATF) related laws in a joint session of the Parliament. These bills also include the Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill and the Anti-Terrorism Act (Amendment) Bill, 2020, all of which were previously rejected by the Senate.

18 .God be praised ,Pakistan moves ahead under the great leadership of two exalted leaders PM Iran khan & Gen Qamar Bajwa. Recent Motorway incident turned into a conspiratorial move by the Media ,Corrupt Opposition & Mafia to discredit PTI Govt? But they badly got exposed prematurely & the perpetrators are likely to reveal the entire network of Evil & Local Devils soon. The victim seem netted into the nose by some known person of her external/internal identity? God be praised Pakistan has moved remarkably ahead in Corona War, Economy Rises, Stocks Market making new record, folks back on work .Transport, schools, hotels &marriage hall opened. Huge Oil & Gas reserves recently discovered. Corruption is being choked, Property price rise is unprecedented & export is rising. With Digitalis-ed commerce banking & communication Pakistan enters 5-G Regime. CPEC is on fastest track (MA)



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