Donald Trump takes aim at World Health Organization calling it 'China-centric'
and says he will consider cutting funding for international body after
US President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling the international health body too 'China centric'
Trump said the WHO 'really blew it' on its coronavirus pandemic response, suggesting he's looking into slashing its U.S. funding
The president was following the lead of other conservatives who have blamed WHO for helping China cover-up the initial coronavirus outbreak
The criticism of WHO comes as Democrats have condemned the Trump administration's response to combatting the virus in the U.S.
And my personal opinion,And advice is whole world as I said ear,They have basic Iq and EQ to understand what is going on in this world who actually should be blamed Now it's not a blaming time. We all be in through in this together whole world, we should get rid of it helping 1 another. This is the main point talking on bullshit wasting most precious time of people and cost of life it's not right and worst makeup propaganda it's shameful most shameful thing is being a president can't even make anytime right