“Don Quijote”
-“& entonces te fuiste dando cuenta, de a pocos, de que el Mundo NO te pedía acciones & sacrificios; que la vida NO era un poema heroico con papeles protagónicos & cuestiones por el estilo, sino una cómoda sala donde la gente estaba satisfecha con comer y beber, con tomar café & escuchar música & quien desee lo otro, lo heroico & lo hermoso, quien lleve adentro la admiración por los grandes poetas o los santifique es un tonto & un Don Quijote.”
—Hesse -“El Lobo Estepario”
En algún momento, algo de Don Quijote tenemos; algo de bueno, honesto, aventurero, desquiciado, leal, imaginativo, desconcertante, fantasioso, caracteres del “Caballero de la Triste Figura”, del “Ingenioso Hidalgo”, a pesar de haber sido tildado éste de “loco” por su creador, el Genio de los Genios de las Letras Castellanas, que lo elevó a la gloria.”
“Don Quixote”
-"& then you realized, little by little, that the World did NOT ask you for actions & sacrifices; that life was NOT a heroic poem with leading roles & the like, but a comfortable room where people were satisfied with eating & drinking coffee & listening to music & whoever desires the other, the heroic & the beautiful, whoever carries inside admiration for the great poets or sanctifies them is a fool & a Don Quixote."
*Hesse? -"The Steppenwolf"
At some point, we have something of Don Quixote; something of good, honest, adventurous, unhinged, loyal, imaginative, disconcerting, fanciful, characters of the "Knight of the Sad Figure", of the "Ingenious Hidalgo", in spite of having been branded as "mad" by his creator, the Genius of the Geniuses of the Castilian Letters that raised him to glory."