Be the Domino
This morning I shared a TED talk by Luvvie Ajayi.
Luvvie talks about being the domino; being the one to make a move that impacts others to follow.
By lunchtime today BBC news was repeating an extensive story about the life of Rev. Billy Graham who died today aged 99. Whether you have a faith or not isn't important - the point is this:
Over his lifetime Billy Graham is estimated to have preached to hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Hundreds of millions. He had the ear, confidence, respect and friendship of US presidents from Harry Truman to Barack Obama in addition to national leaders across the world including The Queen.
Billy Graham gained his own faith at an event in 1934. The only reason he went to that event was because a man named Albert McMakin who worked on the Graham farm persuaded 16 year old Billy to go by letting him drive the tractor there.
While not many of us will become Billy Grahams we can all be Albert McMakins. We can all be the domino that causes someone to make a huge difference in other people's lives.
Be like Albert. Be the domino.