The domino effect ??
Sharing a post on my blog for Small Businesses with a BIG impact -
Let me start with the answer first: The Domino Effect. ??
And now the 3 questions to which the domino effect is the answer…
Why do some simple habits trigger other more powerful ones?
The domino effect proves it is within your power to spark a chain reaction of good habits by building new behaviours that naturally lead to the next successful action. There is an astounding interconnectedness between the systems of life and human behaviour is no exception.
The inherent relatedness of things is a core reason why choices in one area of life can lead to surprising results in other areas, regardless of the plans you make.
Why do I blog?
When a friend of mine asked why I started blogging daily I explained: the domino effect it has on how I live my day.
By blogging daily I am creating a self-discipline and consistency around daily learning moments. I start from the premise there must be something interesting to learn and share every day.
So I created a habit of reading, observing and analysing at least 1 thing every day that is worth learning. So I keep my mind and eyes wide open so I am more aware and conscious for this daily learning moment.
And then I write it down and share it publicly. This implies I have to think the learning moment through and structure it into small understandable tasty pieces .
How do you create a successful channel business?
An example. Today I spent half a day with Mr S., a new sales partner for ICE cinema (one of the cool ventures I am deeply involved with – mixed reality spaces etc…).
I passionately explained everything I know on the subject. Transmitted not just my knowledge on the product but also on the market, clients and logic behind why people an ICE cinema.
While I share my passion for how an ICE cinema really delivers on the promise of the suspension of disbelief and how it becomes the families favourite room in the house I am actually applying the power of the domino effect. I am helping to create yet another domino that will have a positive effect. Another small business that will have a BIG impact.
That is how you build a successful channel business. One domino at a time.
out. W