The domestic workers such as cleaners, cooks, chauffeurs, those providing personal care for the employer and their families and nannies can make an application for this visa to come to the United Kingdom along with their employers.?The applicants need to meet a list of criteria to qualify for this visa.

Domestic workers are required to be outside the United Kingdom and should have worked in their private households. They should work for this employer for a minimum of one year before making an application for this visa. The applicants need to be a minimum of 19 years of age to apply for this visa. The applicant can travel to the United Kingdom with the employer, their partner or children.

It is important for the individuals applying under this route need to have the intention to work as a full-time domestic worker in the United Kingdom in the household where their employer lives. There should be a plan to leave at the end of 6 months. The applicants should be financially independent to look after themselves while they live in the United Kingdom.

It is important that to make an application under this the employer should be either a foreign citizen planning to come to the United Kingdom on a visit for not more than the period of 6 months or a British citizen who is usually outside the United Kingdom and does not have the intention to remain in the UK for more than the period of 6 months.

The applicants need to provide all the relevant information at the time of making the visa application. They need to provide relevant pieces of evidence and supporting documents along with the application. They need to pay the application processing fees. At the end of the validity period, the applicant cannot make any application for an extension of the visa.

To know more about the domestic work visa for overseas workers in the United Kingdom and for legal support with the process, you can get in touch with ICS Legal Immigration. We have qualified immigration advisers and are regulated by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner. Immigration advisers can help you to know your possible options and the correct steps forward based on your surroundings.

Please feel free to reach out to us at 0207 237 3388 or drop us an email at [email protected]. Read more about us and our services at


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