'Or stupid claims of debunking of evidence which is the figment of the wildest imagination of?pathological liars, when proceedings are still ongoing?

Or accusing their victims of going public to get them arrested when that may have already happened prior to victims going public?

In many cases, pathological liars despite having been caught several times perjuring and their “versions debunked” cannot stop as they are riding a tiger!’


Do Malaysians know that over 902 cases of domestic violence had been recorded from January to April this year?

These are national figures!

The World Health Organization estimated that globally, 1 in 3 women have been subjected to violence in the form of either physical and/or sexual by a partner or a non-partner in their lifetime.

If that too is not shocking and does not send a shiver or two down your spine, I wonder what will.

What-ever ones beef this is indeed a very traumatic and chilling number for us all.

So please spare me and others in the field the bull-shit as we have always stated like rape cases for every assault or domestic violence case reported thirty or more go unreported!

The reasons are clear.

Stigma, family and relatives pressure, the desire to prevent the washing in public dirt entrenched which will impact/expose relationships, family dealings, the real state of an individual’s/family finances, the lies and make believe, skeletons in family cupboards, families pretense to get brides and bridegrooms married off under false wealth pretenses and the possibility and fear of more dirt exposed!

So the truth must never come out!

And honestly, it seldom does!

The authorities will tell you that there have been shockingly many U-turns by victims after pressure is exerted upon them by various quarters!

Many real tragic cases have been short circuited after exhaustive investigations, man hours by dedicated, honest, sacrificial investigators.

Personally I know several, even one official who slept in the office during her later stages of pregnancy pushing herself to complete investigations, only to see two months after arrest and chargers, the victim is pressured to withdraw her reports!

So the terrain has its predators, is rough, dangerous, terrorizing and tough.

So it will take a very strong person, one who gave her all till there was nothing else to, except if she stayed on, her life, to finally go public?

It was no exaggeration as if one analyses case studies of cases one can see everything by abusers and pathological liars are strategically pre-planned and executed.

So spare us the myth and storytelling, I always tells the abusers!

Story telling us of love, a broken heart, honor, the purchasing of jewelry, the accusations of adultery, when oneself is alleged to have committed adultery, of assaults, video recordings that Bukit Aman Forensic have yet to examine and certify as unedited?

Or stupid claims of debunking of evidence which is the figment of the wildest imagination of?pathological liars, when proceedings are still ongoing?

Or accusing their victims of going public to get them arrested when that may have already happened prior to victims going public?

In many cases, pathological liars despite having been caught several times perjuring and their “versions debunked” cannot stop as they are riding a tiger!

They know the consequences of perjury under oath!

So they keep shifting and presenting the same hogwash in hundreds of pages thinking they are smart!

I always tell those we advise stick to the truth!

No matter what, stick to the truth!

And because of this, many victims debunked the imaginary and false claims made by their abusers, exposed fabrication and these too very professionally!

Even fabricated false police reports made without contemplating its consequences to one when cross checks are initiated as are always done!

Questions will also be asked eventually whether one abused the due process by falsification of claims and allegations bringing the judiciary to disrepute!

I always tell all never attempt to mislead the courts or your own solicitors for your own personal agenda!

You will destroy careers!

You will be caught eventually, despite your entire story telling believe me!

We have enough of pathological liars and drama queens!

Never underestimate any victim by whose inheritance you are where you are today, who was falsely and with malicious intent tagged a schizophrenia which was debunked professionally, has alleged endured kicks, punches, starvation, being dragged down the stairs, hair pulled, kicked, strangled, slapped, spat on and verbally abused and suffering miscarriages throughout her marriage as a result of incessant beatings and psychological abuse and now falsely accused of adultery?

We wonder who really needs psychiatric assessment?

More so when one does not know the difference between an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya and a law graduate!

What a disgrace!

I am certain honorable Malaysians can tell storytelling and falsehood from truth!


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