??????Brekha Investments?????????????????????????????????????????

A HeForShe project against

a.?Poor menstrual hygiene

b.?Gynecological diseases

c.?Domestic Violence

d.?Inequality in women & Girls’Education


Author: Khama HACHUNDE (Supt)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Community Services Coordinator, Northwestern Province 2013-2017?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Contacts: +260 955/967-895 403 and +260 975 122 357, 0961579903(whatsApp).????????????????????????????????????????????????

Email:[email protected]

????????????????????????????????????????????????Giving Women Hope


Gynecological health problems seem to increase even more in women and girls despite the interventions in place and available knowledge of the likely causes. With specific regards to cervical cancer, Zambia is reported to be number two to Tanzania, the biggest question is where is the problem, what is the problem? This short analysis from citizen science helps to share knowledge of how poor menstrual hygiene beyond what is known contribute to this increase and consequently how conditions grown are an underlying cause of domestic violence. Citizen science is defined as;

??????Scientific work undertaken by members of the general public “at their level of understanding science in response to their needs and concerns”.

??????Producing concepts of reliable scientific knowledge by citizens themselves that is responsive to their needs and concerns.

??????Projects of scientific study value initiated by none scientists but effective at solving some of the social problems faced by society.

How substandard sanitary pads cause gynecological health problems in women and girls

With regard to substandard sanitary pads responsible for the increase in women’s gynecological health problems, Prof Li Jua-an of Winalite international in china states that most sanitary pads available on the market are wrong technology because they are produced from recycled paper materials containing print ink and other chemicals which are later bleached with chlorine chemical which process’s by-product is dioxin. Studying the chemical dioxin a by-product of chlorine from the bleaching process of the paper material used to make sanitary pads, it is a cancerous chemical when it comes in contact with the human skin and cells and more especially the cervix and uterus. When dioxin enters the cells of the cervix or uterus, it mimics the cell’s DNA causing mutation which over time result is abnormal or uncontrollable growth of cells called cervical cancer or fibroids. The chemical absorbed also causes hormonal imbalances resulting in menstrual disorders. Because paper cannot absorb the woman’s flow during her periods, a plastic paper is placed in between or under the pad for fear of leakage when a woman is bleeding. This plastic placed in between the pad inhibits access of air in the woman’s system. This implies that as the woman is bleeding wearing this kind of pad, no air enters the woman’s system and because of this, warmth develops on her genitals, with the moisture from the blood this area becomes a breeding ground for germs, fermentation takes place hence the reason the pads are smelly when removed after use (Situational Environment similar to when you wear closed shoes which do not allow air to go in your shoes growing fungus)). This situation also causes an imbalance in the vaginal PH making a woman/girl prone to infection as vaginal PH is a natural defence in a woman against infection. According to Winalite International scientists’ document referred to earlier giving reference to W.H.O report state that, “two hours of a woman putting on such substandard pads, about 107 different types of germs develop per Cubic centimeter of the surface area of the pad. When pressure is applied on the pad through sitting, because paper is not absorptive enough, the pad allows a back flow of the blood into the woman’s reproductive system with all the germs which will have developed and the chemical mixed with the blood causing infection to the woman’s reproductive system. Not knowing what to do and what is happening, the woman simply takes this as a normal menstrual discomfort. The infection there after develops to something big that sometimes end up costing the woman’s life or go through painful processes to try and correct the condition in the likes of operation, chemotherapy and radio therapy. Why that far, because some developed infections end up developing other serious conditions like fibroids, hemorrhoids, cancer of the cervix, cancer of the uterus, ovaries, tubes or blocked tubes and menstrual disorders. You may be surprised that among the germs that develop on the pad (Substandard) at the two hour estimation of a woman using these substandard pads is HPV virus and herpes simplex virus.?Fibroids and menstrual disorder are suspected to occur because of an imbalance in the female hormones due to toxins (chlorine and dioxin) absorbed in the body from the substandard pads and other sources. Some pads are made of a gel as to absorb the flow but if the gel is a chemical gel the same effects occur. For lack of this knowledge, women have become a captive market and paying the unnecessary painful price.

Where is the abuse in the above analysis?

The anti-gender based violence act defines abuse as “any conduct or behavior that injures the health, safety and wellbeing of a person because of their gender. Often defined as coming from or caused by another person, unfortunately this abuse is self-inflicted or induced on women/girls by women/girls themselves without knowing so while using these substandard pads the commonest on the market arising from a technological deficiency to meet the exact benefit of the intended group.

(1)??The producers of the substandard sanitary pads know that dioxin and chlorine are carcinogenic chemicals when they are absorbed in the human body but continue to use the chemicals in the production of the sanitary pads.

(2)??The product is produced to a specific target group (Women). As alluded to earlier, without enough information, the woman becomes a captive market and has no choice but to use the product.

(3)??The substandard pads evoke serious health conditions that injure women’s health and wellbeing.

(4)??Unfortunately the abuse is self-abuse on women by women themselves from lack of knowledge of the effects of substandard pads.

Conditions evoked by Poor quality sanitary Pads during menstruation

Poor menstrual hygiene occurs in a woman using a sanitary product from wrong or poor design, wrong material and production process as alluded to earlier. Among the many of such diseases from poor menstrual hygiene are; External Vaginal inflammations, Itchy Skin on the private part, Vaginal inflammation (vaginitis), Cervical Inflammation and erosion, Endometrial?Inflammation, Excessive white discharge, Searing heart or pain in the lower abdomen, Fever, Feeling nauseous, Urge to urinate, Urinal pain, Sore waist, Aching waist, Fatigue, Genital warts, Genital herpes, Menstrual disorders (Heavy periods, Light periods, spotting in between periods, prolonged periods, menstrual pains (abdominal pain and back ache before or during messes).

Menstrual disorders and fibroids are more an issue to do with hormonal imbalances mainly due to the amount of toxins women will have accumulated during the many years of using sanitary pads that contain chemicals. The life styles of sugary drinks and junky foods, pollutants in the air add to accumulation of pollutants in the woman’s body which overtime cause hormonal imbalances which evoke above stated conditions.

How Gynecological diseases are a silent cause of domestic violence in women and girls,

(a)???Genital Warts, herpes, excessive white discharges, itchy skin, PID, Vaginitis etc

The above when diagnosed are classified as sexually transmitted infections and automatically become an emotional and psychological form of GBV on diagnoses on a woman who transfers the same to the husband she suspects to have brought the disease because she knows she is innocent. When the man is examined he is found without the diseases and the blame falls back to the woman who has the disease without knowing she grew the germs when responding to menstruation a biological need while using wrong material. She there after becomes a double victim of abuse, first from the self-abuse using a wrong pad and thereafter from the partner who suspects her to be unfaithful and treatment becomes a cost for two forms of abuse, the disease and the injury from assault when and if the situation goes out of hand in a relationships. In case of girls they become objects of ridicule at home on suspicion that they are promiscuous.

(b)??Prolonged periods, Fibroids, Cervical cancer, Ovarian cysts etc

Prolonged periods result in men having extra marital relationships causing emotional and psychological abuse in women who at the time are unable to sexually satisfy their husbands due to their condition. Fibroids are responsible of broken marriages and relationships since many with fibroids can’t conceive or often have miscarriages. Cervical cancer is cause of psychological and emotional abuse on men suspected to be responsible of having brought the virus when large percent as per WHO research is caused by women using substandard pads who grow the virus themselves on their genitals due to the wrong environment that forms from using substandard pads. Ovarian cysts maybe responsible for infertility in women which again becomes a cause for most divorces including blocked tubes.

Dr Christopher Wild director of the IARC(International Agency for Research on cancer) the research agency on behalf of the world health Organization which is based In Lyon France , in his press release No.224 on 4th frebruary,2014 projected an increase in new cancer cases in the next two decades of about 22,000,000 each year from year of the report which number includes cervical cancer, breast cancer and many others that affects the women from carcinogenic substances they absorb including those contained is substandard sanitary pads.


Problem solving has three techniques which are, identifying the problem, identifying the cause the two have been ably dealt with leaving the last part which is eliminating the cause. Having identified the problem as domestic violence and gynecological health problems and the underlying cause as substandard sanitary pads, eliminating the problem is only possible by providing women the best and right sanitary product to improve menstrual hygiene so they don’t abuse themselves and evoke conditions that bring suspicions in homes to damage relationships as is the experience so far. Menstrual hygiene is now costing the government huge sums of money which could be prevented by the right menstrual material because such observed diseases can be prevented by using a sanitary material that conforms to the supposed natural response of this biological need. Unless women/girls are told, they will continue paying the heavy price on their gynecological health and domestic from this dimension and observed underlying cause. The sanitary pad conforms to the natural way of responding to this biological need by maintaining vaginal PH with the anion strip attached to it. It is an innovative and creative technology or a means of expanding options in the prevention and treatment of gynecological health problems in women contributing to the country’s burden of disease and domestic violence and in direct response to ministry of health’s current campaign on “Social determinants of health”.


The sanitary pad is both preventative and curative against most gynecological health problems and greatly increase the quality of menstrual hygiene in women to prevent the already alluded to diseases thus preventing GBV from this dimension and improve equality of women at places of work as it is also able to prevent menstrual pains which retard progress of women at work places. Women and girls that suffer from menstrual pains sometimes three to six days often have a challenge of having less productive hours and class attendance hours respectively. This reduces their competitiveness with their men counterparts both in work places and institutions of learning. During my investigation and interrogation of the various sanitary pads available on the market, I have come to realize with evidence that ANION technology sanitary pads are the best solution for women preventing earlier alluded to diseases which cause domestic violence. Much about the anion strip attached on the pad is explained in detail on page 7 and 8 below.

Bumi Anion (-ve ion) sanitary pads are made 100 % from natural material which that conforms with the natural way of responding to this biological need but very effective for menstrual hygiene

??100% cotton which enhances softness and freshness as it makes them permeable to air eliminating moisture and heat.

??Equipped with a unique patented anion strip which effectively removes noxious bacterium which is the main cause of gynecological diseases. This strip combats about 99.9% bacteria and naturally relieves menstrual discomforts. The anion strip is compressed with over 6000 negative ions per cubic centimeter in case of the one in picture above and is activated by fluid or warmth and when absorbed in the body enhances the woman’s quality of health as prevention from infection.

??Contains food grade based gel absorber(Corn gel)- which is a special absorptive material making them more than 2 times and more absorbent than ordinary sanitary pads and corn gel is a carbohydrate.

??Made with a specially designed adhesive that conforms to human ergonomics (chewing gum) which does not leave residue on the underwear and cause irritations when worn without any towel.

??Packaging is made from aluminum foil like that used for food packaging to disallow moisture or bacteria entering.

??Negative ions strip made from algae (rich in proteins, iron and vitamin B) that fuse through the woman’s genitals get absorbed in the body systems not only providing protection of a woman during her messes but provides the?body and its organs several other general health benefits among many are;

·????????Strengthening immunity- high levels of negative ions promote production of globulin in blood, resulting in stronger resistance to illness- Improves reflex system and endothelial system(layer of cells that lines the inside of some body cavities e,g blood vessels) enhances body’s anti-disease ability (ATP hormone).Gamma globulin is a kind of protein contained in serum, and is an immunizing antibody. When anions increase within the human body, the amount of gamma globulin in the blood also increases. Therefore, it helps maintain a healthful body by increasing the resistance power against infection of viruses with an increase of antibodies.

·????????Enhancing hormonal balance- by increasing the levels of calcium and sodium in the blood stream, negative ions restore a healthy PH balance in the blood. This prevents and treats menstrual disorders e.g. excessive bleeding, menstrual pains, absent and light periods.

·????????Balancing the autonomic nervous system- negative ions calm and relax taut nerves balancing the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system

·????????Reducing fatigue and stress- by increasing oxygen levels in the blood and facilitating more efficient oxygen utilization, negative ions help accelerate recovery from fatigue which is among the signs of the effects of poor quality sanitary pads and reduce fatigue from effects of child birth preventing INFANTCIDE a common offence after birth.

·????????Enhancing metabolism- by counteracting over arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, negative ions help ease tension in the stomach and intestines promoting the production of digestive enzymes and enhancing digestion

·????????Stabilizing brain faction- by promoting abundant oxygen levels in the blood, negative ions help normalize brain function, resulting in relaxation and calmness. Helps with a number of mental problems including epilepsy.

·????????Treating inflammation and cell rejuvenation- negative ions help revitalize cell metabolism, enhancing the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs. Very effective against fibroids, cervical cancer and other other inflammations. Negative ions rejuvenate and revitalize all the body’s system and cells, promoting a stronger overall constitution. For these benefits, men can also use the liners by wearing them under their feet as ions flow through the pores of the skin for athlete foot or under their pants for prostate cancer while also providing stability to free radicals absorbed from the environment.

?Other Conditions treatable and preventable by ANION technology Sanitary pads from ?Gynecological ones stated earlier

?Other conditions include bladder infection, Bladder control, Prostate problems in men which is another hidden and silent cause of domestic violence due to developed ED from the condition both against the man by serious ridicule and verbal assault and sometimes assault on the women on suspicion of promiscuity because the husband can’t perform. Others are Hemorrhoids and Colon bleeding which are not caused by sanitary pads including many other non-communicable diseases all that is required is to learn how to use it for such conditions.

What are Anions?

Anions are scientifically defined as molecules or atoms in the air with a negative charge. When the charge is positive they are called “Cations”. In simple language “Anions” are vitamins of the air while “Cations” are poison of the air.?Any other carcinogen substances that cause harm to health and this includes the chemicals that are in substandard pads are also called “cations”. In the natural set up, anions in the air as vitamins in the air are very beneficial to our health as they are responsible to cleanse the air of all toxins(pollutants), air born germs including H1N1 virus, and small dust particles which if we inhaled them could cause serious health problems. Just like they work in the air, when absorbed directly in the body they kill about 99.9% common bacteria and viruses and protects the body against the effects of free radicals by enhancing the reduction process or prevent oxidation of the body. It is with this background knowledge that anion sanitary pads has an “Anion Concentrated Strip of between 5000-6,070 anions per cubic centimeter” of air which has the ability to kill all the germs that tend to grow when the woman is on her periods because the smell of the pad after use is indicative of decay which is only possible because of the presence of bacteria. The anion strip also increases alkalinity on the woman’s genitals to increase the production of health enzymes like glutathione. This enables the woman have a safe and hygienic menstrual period as it prevents decay taking place, start treating her infection which were a result of earlier use of sub-standard pads and in the process also benefit her with alluded to earlier health benefits. The anions absorbed in the body actually help the body flush out germs naturally. The anion strip on the pad also becomes food to the body since they are vitamins to nourish her body at the time it is at its weakest during her messes.

Chemicals absorbed in the body by whatever means which do not become part of the cells and tissues are toxins in the body which can only be reversed by the reduction process or dilution as in chemistry which anions provide because of their high alkaline attribute. This situation has ability to reverse any condition evoked by a wrong created environment on the woman’s genitals during her messes. In science, it has been proved that anions are very important in the body at the right amounts to provide balance against all forms of pollutants and diseases whose ratio in the body should always be 2:1, more anions and less toxins or pollutants (cations).

Facts about menstruation (Tasneem. M.(India)

??????Natural process- Not a shame or dirty. Life style not by choice but by design that they are women expected to start from a particular age to menopause.

??????Cycle goes for about half a woman’s life (30-40 yrs). It is the longest period of her life, if exposed to harmful products and substances she may not enjoy a full life. No wonder many of them don’t make it to old age in the 21st century.

??????About 15000 pieces of sanitary pads are required in the lifetime of any woman using them. How much toxins will she have absorbed from this number if she uses substandard pads. How many germs will develop in her system if each substandard pad will grow about 107 different germs per cubic centimeter of the surface area of the pad. No wonder there is an increase in PIDs, vaginitis, cervical cancer, menstrual disorders, ovarian cysts, itchy skin and many others.

??????Trusted brand of sanitary pads is a necessity for every woman/girl if they have to live health lives than just living them a captive market just to use what is available. This agrees with the minister of education Hon. Dr Kaingu during his appeal to the nation on the eve of the woman’s menstrual day 28th may, 2015 that “we need to provide hygienic sanitary wear to our girls in schools”. This need is not only to a school girl but every woman of productive age.

??????Sanitary pads should not only provide comfort and safety but must enhance every woman’s health and lifestyle. Hygiene can in simple terms be defined as the principle of keeping oneself health or clean.

??????Sanitary pad is a woman’s indispensable friend, not a luxury but a necessity. Looking at the level of technological advance, the 21st century woman may not intend to resort back to the use of sacks, cloth, spongy etc because they don’t look hygienic even when they are very effective to lessen gynecological health problems. Sanitary pads technology is good technology and who ever thought about it thought well because it is also convenient for the women. Using appropriate technology of a sanitary pad that meets the woman’s peace of mind, quality and hygiene is the only way forward to save women lives from poor menstrual hygiene effects. Development as in the sense of advancement, improvement and progress in the type of sanitary wear is the key to solving many gynecological health problems in women and girls of reproductive age.

Key criteria for selection of sanitary pads.

??????Hygienic-Keeping one self and surrounding clean to prevent diseases.

??????Performance-Product should achieve its intended purpose.

??????Comfort-pleasant state of relaxation or wellbeing, relief from unhappiness or worry.

??????Convenience-useful, helpful thing or easy to use.

??????Aesthetics-artistic design. Have number of layers with no plastic either under or in between to create a conducive environment for germs to grow.

Purpose of Pads

??????Absorb and retain(hold) menstrual?fluid- No back flow

??????Isolate fluid from the body-good hygiene

??????Stop leakage- stop embarrassment.

Facts about Sanitary Pads

??????Pads can be placed on the market without prior evidence of safety or efficacy, why? Because they are not considered medical devices. Women are a too easy target because they are bound by biology to menstruate for at least 35 years or so. Women are thus a captive market and potentially easy victims of numerous types of sanitary pads (and tampon) traumas.

??????Sanitary pads are not as simple as they may seem at first glance. They are made for the most complex beings in the universe, and consequently they are and should be complex too.



?????????????????????????????????????TREATS ?GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES/Conditions

(a)???Prevention- Anions, as air vitamins (harvested air) helps to maintain the woman’s vaginal Ph. Because of its alkaline attribute prevents smell on the pad which is sign of bacteria presence and because its air permeable it conforms to the natural supposed response of this biological need. These anions at this quantity absorbed in the body when worn during menstruation also protects the body against oxidation from other pollutants hence enhancing the reduction process to prevent non-communicable diseases caused by the effects of free radicals on the body cells because it helps to stabilize them by producing enough antioxidant enzymes glutathione and superoxide dismutasse.

(b)??Treatment- at this concentration re-establishes the correct vaginal PH after its been disturbed thus enhancing the body’s oxidizing effect on germs by producing enough active oxygen to eliminate the germs that will have grown and enhances reduction process as an antioxidant in case the effect is pollutants that contained in substandard sanitary pads used or from the physical environment. Dissolves fibroids by supplying the tumor with a lot of oxygen to disintegrate it as it is liquid crystal, dissolves blockage in tubes, enhances hormonal imbalance since they are responsible for moderation in the body. Creates a wrong environment in the body for germs to thrive and flourish thus inactivating them so they no longer infect the body. Since they are vitamins at the right concentration they are food to the body to turn on the immune system which produces antibodies to destroy the germs that have been inactivated etc.




Empowerment with knowledge and tool can save such lives. This is Common situation and occurrence in most developing countries or communities and Zambia in particular.

Bumi ANION SANITARY NAPKIN/PADS Summary Benefits and usage

Bumi anion product is a sanitary napkin/pad made up of 100% cotton, produced on behalf of Brekha Investments Zambia limited on a franchise abroad. It is the only local sanitary napkin/pad brand that is 100% cotton in Zambia today. This napkin came into existence because of the fact that many imported sanitary napkins/pads on the Zambian market are wrong technology as they are made from recycled paper (that is; old cartons, books, newspapers etc.). These papers are gathered in the warehouses, crushed, bleached again and again until it resumes a white colour. It is known that papers do not absorb and so, they then seal this local sanitary napkin by putting a plastic paper or water proof either at the last layer or the middle layer that prevents the woman from staining herself. These sanitary napkins are bleached with strong cancerous chemicals like Dioxin and Chlorine coupled with the plastic. These poor quality sanitary napkins boil the woman up during menstruation in such a way that she begins to develop one gynaecological problem or the other. From this, the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) statistics read; 83% of women are having gynaecological problems within which 62% of them are as a result of sanitary napkins of doubtful quality leading to menstrual discomforts including many cases of growth, some cases of cancer of the cervix, ovaries and even some breast cancers etc. Again, W.H.O. states that when a woman is putting her pad on during menstruation, after 2hours, 107 kinds of bacteria are developing per cubic centimetre of the pad surface and W.H.O. disagrees on the idea that women should wear pant or pad made from synthetic material and this is simply because it irritates the vagina. The menstrual hygiene management handbook for Zambia 2016 (p19) states that “Cloth and Cotton sanitary pads are unhygienic”, meaning they are not clean and has ability to transmit bacteria (English dictionary). Bumi anion sanitary napkin brand is designed to solve all these gynaecological problems with the help of the Anion Band that is making a woman using this quality product to love her moon or her menses. In this case, moon is referring to menses in local context.

The second layer of Bumi Anion product is the green band called the Chewable Anion band. It is a band made from cotton containing 6,200 anions per cubic centimetre, and it is green in colour because of the algae containing chlorophyll which is highly nutritive to the body containing proteins, B-vitamin and Iron.

What is Anion? Anion is a negatively charged ion present in air which helps counterbalance the cations in air thereby purifying the air making life possible. In other words, anions are called Air Vitamin or Air Scavengers. So, anions in good quantity in air makes the air very neutral, destroying about 99.9% of harmful bacteria, neutralising toxic gases, making life possible and comfortable, meanwhile, the presence of enough cations in air makes the air stuffy, encouraging the growth of bacteria, promoting free radical formation in the body after inhalation thereby making the human system susceptible to diseases. We can find anions in abundance in the forest, mountains top, beaches, waterfall, chlorophyll in plants, after a heavy rainfall etc. Because of human activities like cutting down of trees for urbanisation, the use of machines that produce toxic gases, exhaust gases from cars have greatly reduced the amount of anions in air. Anions are created by God and the technology just captures anions with the help of Nano-technology and concentrates them on a band for use when and where there is a risk in conformity with 2014 UNGA resolve for YOGA as only means to deal with the challenging communicable and non-communicable diseases of the 21st C.

What can anions do in the genital organ during menstruation? When a woman is menstruating and is putting on a Bumi anion pad, there is diffusion of anions into the genital organ and thereby helping to eradicate about 99.9% of harmful bacteria, enhances hormonal balance, aerates, detoxifies, oxygenates, enhances cellular regeneration etc. These processes named above concerning the genital organ help individuals to stop menstrual cramps or painful, destroy staphylococci thereby preventing pus discharge from the vagina, prevents menstrual clot, prevents menstrual irregularity, prevents menstrual disorder, prevents cancer of the cervix and ovaries, prevents growths (cyst, fibroid etc.) and rashes, prevents odour during menses since anions destroy bacteria. Surgery against tumors like fibroids does not solve the problem that caused the development of the growth and by this cutting, the person goes away and after few years say 3years, the growth grows back and the person is booked for another operation which can be operated repeatedly 3, 4,5 times making it very risky and often results to removal of the uterus completely. Anions are both preventive and curative, simply because they are strong antioxidants and so, anions are best used as preventive though they are still helpful with conditions that have already manifested including cerivical erosion and cervical cancer (enclosed DVDs refer). If a woman is using Bumi anion pad and pant liner, she stands no chance of developing growths, cervical cancer, or having blocked tubes. In the case where the person is having a growth, say a cyst for example, the person uses Bumi anion pad during menstruation by dropping few drops of water on the Bumi anion pant liner to moisten the green band and put it on after menstruation continuously until the growth comes out. Using bumi anion pads during menstruation. The continuous diffusion of anions into the body through the vagina ?will help stop the development of these foreign bodies through the process of aeration, oxygenation, detoxification and these foreign animals stop living and break out as clot or lumps during menstruation without the person going through an operation. For somebody who had developed cervical cancer still at stage I or II, the continuous use of anions as pad or pantliner can help stop the evolution of the cancerous cells thereby enhancing treatment through Chemotherapy.Dr Ottawa the founder of cancer once said and I quote “No disease including cancer can survive in an alkaline environment” end quote. But cervical cancer at the terminal phase (stage III), anions cannot actually do much help, instead anions can help reduce pain at this stage and other anxillary conditions coming with it like adour because it forces the cells aerobic again thus clearing the fermentation that took place (prevention is better than cure). Menopausal women suffer from hot flushes, vagina dryness and or lose of libido secretion leading most of the time to lose of sexual appetite. These menopausal women can use Bumi anion pant liners on daily basis but they must put few drops of water to the anion band in the pant liners in order to activate the anions. Anions will diffuse into the vagina and will clear away the hot flushes, vagina dryness, enhancing the secretion of libido thereby increasing these women’s sexual appetite and desire for their husbands when activated. This prevents the use of NSUKO (sniffed tobacco) which are cancerous.

What can anions do to the body in general apart from the genital organ? With those whose conditions are desperate, anion bands can be removed from the cotton and infused in drinking water and after about 1 hour drink at will, like water that can help for the aeration, oxygenation, detoxification and cellular regeneration of the human body. To be explicit; drinking water containing enough anions can help increases the oxygen content of the system, eliminates harmful bacteria, eradicates odour, enhances hormonal balance, treats inflammation, eradicates fatigue, reduces stress, and above all reinforces immunity. This can be further explained as; the more the oxygen present in the body the more energetic the body is, leading to the efficient functioning of the body organs especially the functioning of the brain. One of the simplest forms of energy produced in the body during the process of metabolism is Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which serves as fuel for the antibodies to fight against infections. The process of production of ATP is oxygen dependent. Anions oxygenate the body thereby providing a suitable ground for enough ATP production leading to a complete eradication of stress and fatigue, fights hormonal related illnesses like diabetes by reducing sugar level in blood, can help eradicate asthmatic crisis, regulates blood pressure, reduces cholesterol level in the blood, relaxes the mind, enhances visual acuity, improves memory, improves sleep, reduces allergy, enhances alertness, eradicates constipation, treats haemorrhoids, improves skin smoothness and treats gastric ulcers, enhances digestion, provides the body with a calm environment for meditation.

Other uses of anion bands. Anion band can be removed, bent and chewed or keep in the mouth for at least five hours to fight migraine, oral ulcers and tooth ache problem. The anion band can be wet with water and placed on wounds especially septic wounds. Anion band can also be wet with water and placed in the shoes to treat athletes foot, arthritis related pain and foul foot odour . Bumi anion pant liner can be used to fight against prostate inflammation and prevent prostate cancer. The anion band can be wet with water in the pant liner and stuck in a fitting pant so that it lies between the testicles and the anal region all day. The diffusion of anions at this region can bring back the prostate size to normal, eradicating the risk of developing prostate cancer and also increasing sexual power in man. In cases of skin rashes, the person can take his or her bathe with anion water.

Video summary link of the above, ,,

Appeal: Funding being sought to actualize the project as a business for profit or social enterprise.


(a)???28th May on the Zambian calendar is commemorated as the woman’s menstrual day confirming the above alluded to concerns and investigations finding.

(b)??The 2013-2014 demographic and health survey report on page 286 on average provides that about 36.8% GBV cases treated were from background characteristics and against women of the age between 15-49 years which is still the menstruating age.

(c)???A post newspaper article of 29th March, 2016 on page 12 provides information that school girls use hot water bottles to easy period pains which in my view is an abuse on children because it injures their health, safety and wellbeing because it burns the skin but anion pads naturally kills the pain as much as it meets or achieves the menstrual need and helps to increase on class hours because no child may be in class with a hot water bottle because she is in pain and for how long will the water remain hot. The developed pain on their genitals maybe a sign that the pads help them grow herpes simplex virus which cause a disease called “vaginitis” which virus may predispose the victims to cervical cancer overtime.

(d)???The national health strategic plan 2011-2015 describes the diseases situation in Zambia as a “burden” mainly from “pollutants and lifestyle” (Dr Kasonde and Dr Mumba). Substandard sanitary pad use is one aspect of life style and environmental challenge due to the situational wrong environment a woman/girl generates herself on her genitals and grows germs which end up contributing to the country’s burden of diseases.

(e)???The new approach to health by the ministry of health is wellbeing (Dr Chitalu). Sanitary pad use is health at the individual and family level. Using appropriate technology of a sanitary pad will save lives and help achieve SDGs 3 and 5 at the individual and family levels. Menstrual hygiene is health at the individual level.

(f)???“if we are to survive the health challenges of the 21st century, we need to embrace technologies inspired by nature”(President Putin-2015 UNGA speech)

(g)??2014 UNGAs’ tone to the world is to learn how to manage diseases naturally as in the IDY rationale celebrated every 21st June of each year since then. The anion technology is YOGA in technology (2014 UNGA) and technology INSPIRED by nature as referred by president Putin.

(h)??2017 local courts report stated Zambia in this year had 28,101 divorces all from suspicion of infidelity and common suspected of STI infections when these were just menstrual infections from use of wrong sanitary technology.

(i)????2016 Menstrual hygiene national guidelines under ministry general education (P 19) reports the common promoted cotton and cloth as being unhygienic and the BUMI pads as super pad.

(j)????One Germany physicist Albert Einstein once said “insanity is doing the same thing expecting different Results”. We can save women lives innovatively with the BUMI anion technology sanitary pad.

(k)??Galileo Galilee once said, “The truth is easy to understand, all you need is to find it”.

Khama Hachunde

Citizen Scientist

4 个月

Full presentation about the project



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