Domestic Slavery/Servitude
?Michael Gleeson
Big Boy Scout ★ Leadership ★ Problem Solver ★ Mentor ★ Archery Instructor ★ Former Job Seeker Strategist ★ Former LinkedIn Workshop Coach & Presenter ★ BALOO Instructor
It is amazing how many young women today, in western civilization voluntarily sell themselves into domestic slavery, otherwise known as marriage.
I am surprised by the sheer number of young women in the United States, and Canada that are willing to give up their chance at an education, and a career in exchange for living a life as a servant, completely content at washing, cleaning, cooking, and sharing a mans bed in exchange for a roof over their head, and food in their stomach.
It is completely astonishing how many young woman who must have such low self esteem of themselves, or feel completely lazy or incompetent to even try to be independent.
There seems to be many young women in their 20's and early 30's who seem to be actively pursuing men in their 50's and 60's. Probably so as not to complicate their slavery relationship with children.
Some might call these women as "Gold Diggers", but I believe they have been simply conditioned to be subservient, in exchange for having all of their needs taken care of, for them. In many ways these are "Kept Women" and that is the way they these women want it to be.
In many ways, this is their solution to socialism or communism.