Domains of Disruption #GenerativeAI

Domains of Disruption #GenerativeAI

Just sharing some fragments of thought today, with a view on five ‘Domains of Disruption’ through Generative AI. This is part of some work I am hoping to use for a symposium in due course. It’s very early stage #WorkingOutLoud.

[1] Curiosity and Reach – contextualised access to knowledge, semantic search broadening our curiosity, abstraction of boundaries (including of jargon and language, hence culture), translation and translocation between domains, and the dismantling of domains of codified knowledge.

[2] Synthesis and Interconnection – progressive feedback loops create developmental approach, ability to summarise and contextualise to different frameworks, multi modal interaction and output, supporting our ability to hold concurrent truths, and develop a library of lenses, hence directly supporting resilience and metacognition.

[3] Dialogue and Iteration – commoditised expertise, expertise as scaled feature, ties into our native ways of learning, creates and support conception of knowledge as fluid feature, our interaction is judgement free and hence so too is our curiosity.

[4] Augmentation and Democratisation – out ability to be expressive, creative, is enhanced and democratised, with the ability to externalise even more of our internal narrative and hence in a very real way to learn more dynamically. A fragmentation of legacy structures of power, and a democratisation of access to domain expertise.

[5] Infrastructure and Control – beyond industrialisation, devolved and distributed, models of scale evolve, structure of codified power are challenged.
