Domain Name System, Simplified!
Rajesh Dangi
Technology Advisor, Founder, Mentor, Speaker, Author, Poet, and a Wanna-be-farmer
Internet is now oblivious and obvious to our digital presence, everything that is connected and must be found has been via DNS, the Domain Name System. It’s a massive network of decentralized and distributed naming service running around the globe via hierarchical topology to help get each connected web hosted service identified and thus reachable over IP network. Think of the DNS as an index that to up to date in real time and serves millions and millions of requests in fraction of time. Internet as we know is a connected web and knows all connected entities via unique IP addresses, yet we humans remember all websites or web services by names such as , a service that translates these names to IP addresses and maintains these relationship records in searchable order is vital and running the internet in “Always On” mode is DNS and the records that run the DNS is called registry or directory. These records are distributed across multiple DNS servers who keep communicating with each other regularly for updates and search-ability thereof.
DNS started evolving from a single source of truth when host entries on computers were collated manually way back in 70’s as Host Naming Registry in ARPANET era. Subsequently The?Internet Engineering Task Force ?published the original specifications in RFC 882 and RFC 883 in November 1983, when?Paul Mockapetris proposed the DNS architecture and wrote the first DNS implementation (then called "Jeeves") for the?TOPS-20 ?operating system running on mainframe computers. Later it was written and used as?the first?Unix ?name server implementation for the Berkeley Internet Name Domain, commonly referred to as?BIND , finally in 1997 it made it as a mainstream DNS protocol via several RFCs as a standard specification.
How does it work?
Internet is a vast collection of connected entities i.e. websites, web based applications, search engines, smart devices, sensors and whole array of infrastructure and digital services that keeps internet running. Most of these entities does require ‘search-ability’ and DNS plays a very important role, here is a broader understanding on the way it works..
Need for Secure DNS
As we understand the working of the DNS, we can observe that none of the recursive queries are encrypted and designed with security and privacy in mind, any resourceful intermediatory can intercept or redirect the your browser’s DNS requests, and can respond with false information. Typically what we witness when we search for unknown domains and the pages pop up redirecting us to domain registries etc. There are few more serious vulnerabilities commonly known as DNS exploits such as DNS hijacking and/or man in the middle attacks or DNS cache poisoning are getting prevalent. Attackers redirect the genuine requests to fake sites collecting sensitive user information and exploiting the same for unlawful purposes or exploit the DNS cache with incorrect entries to redirect the traffic to unwarranted sites. The vulnerabilities for DNS, so called exploits can be used in various ways by attackers..
IETF, the Internet engineering task force in 1997-1999 timeframe conceptualized secure DNS authentication via RFC 2535 as The?Domain Name System Security Extensions? (DNSSEC), a suite of extension specifications for securing data exchanged in the?Domain Name System ?(DNS) in?Internet Protocol ?(IP) networks. Using this protocol All answers from DNSSEC protected zones are?digitally signed . By validating the digital signature, a DNS resolver is able to check if the information is identical (i.e. unmodified and complete) to the information published by the zone owner and served on an authoritative DNS server enabling cryptographic authentication ?of data, authenticated denial of existence, and data integrity. As mentioned by ICANN , DNSSEC adds two important features to the DNS protocol:
Further, DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE ) allows the publication of Transport Layer Security (TLS) keys in zones for applications such as mail transport. DANE provides a way to verify the authenticity of public keys that does not rely on certificate authorities taking the next step towards secure DNS. There are other ways being practices such as The DNS over HTTP (DoH) that intends to increase user privacy and security by preventing eavesdropping and manipulation of DNS data or DNS over TLS (DoT ), encrypting and wrapping?Domain Name System ?(DNS) queries and answers via the?Transport Layer Security ?(TLS) protocol too and the merits of either depend on the specific use case. In 2017 there were ideas around DoQ — DNS over QUIC, a new standard being drafted for DNS protocol taking advantage of the QUIC transport layer protocol?to use for transmitting DNS requests and the list goes on..
In Summary, As the Internet grows and we set forth the transition from Ipv4 to Ipv6 the role of DNS will continue to remain as important as it was and keeps evolving to ensure data integrity and authenticity. ?By nature of queries and the information involved, it is evident that there is no charity on operating free DNS service but to fathom the queries and responses that are collected, packaged, analysed, profiled as the first free bytes of the data easily available and share the pie of value.
Few governments like EU have taken the notice of these issues and are building its own recursive DNS service that will be made available to EU institutions and the general public for free with built-in filtering capabilities to block DNS name resolutions for malware, phishing sites, or other cybersecurity threats. While there are numerous innovations and ideas being tested and deployed to make the DNS more secure and trustworthy, with growing use of the DNS it will not be far that the right solution gets widely adopted and incorporated in principle to upheld data privacy and information security, isn’t it?
Jan 2022. Compilation from various publicly available internet sources, authors views are personal.
#DNS #Rootservers #DNSSEC #DANE #NameServers #DoH
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