The Domain Name Advantage .dev Is No Longer Available
We are Namedrop, we find good domain names for founders that are available to register (not owned/purchased by someone else) so that way they can just focus on building really cool stuff.
Some time ago we posted about the domain name "" being available and for awhile, there were no takers. An awesome domain name that we thought would be especially appealing to devs and those in tech in general.
Well, it appears that the name has been taken, not sure if the person who registered the domain came about it by way of our newsletter/post. If they did, they did not let us know about it. We usually ask those that come about names via our posts to let us know that they got the domain(s) and what they plan to do with it, but, they are not obligated to do so.
Looks like the domain was registered last month on 07/14/24 at Namecheap and does not resolve (not currently in use). It will be interesting to see if the domain gets developed but for now, we'll just have to wait.
That said, not all is lost! if you like the word "advantage" as a brand name and want a matching domain name to go with it we have found that word available in these extensions, .is, .to and .fm.
We try to target domain extensions that we feel our core audience likes, which is, people in tech, especially those that consider themselves Indie Hackers that launch on and/or frequent Product Hunt and Y Combinator 's Hacker News.
Again, sorry to those who may have wanted the domain name advantage .dev and missed out on it, hopefully the above mentioned alternative are a good enough consolation prize and if you like those domains, don't wait.
Any support provided would be greatly appreciated, thanks!