DoltHub Weekly Update
This is the weekly CEO update from? Timothy Sehn at DoltHub .
It has come to my attention that some of you thought I dropped the joke?last week. The DORK stack was the joke! The people that brought you the Dolt database now bring you the DORK stack. Come on people. Work with me here.?As I said, I'm not funny.
Practical Golang Blog Series
Zach?published a?Go Performance Case Studies blog?a couple weeks ago, inspired by his talk at Gophercon. The blog was picked up in a few places but I did not mention it here. It features this great meme.
Golang blogs always do well and drive interest in Dolt. We're going to publish a Practical Golang article every 3 to 4 weeks. Stay tuned.
New $10,000 Bounty: Hospital Chargemaster URLs
We're working with?Payless.Health?on this one. This time we're going after?hospital chargemaster URLs. We've already run a?few bounties?on this data. See?the launch blog?for more details. Happy hunting.
Dolt on DockerHub
Dolt is really easy to install. People still wanted a canonical Docker image. Me, a?crotchety old Linux neckbeard, "Dolt is a single file. Download it and put it in your?PATH. Ugh." People were confused. So, we made a?docs page?with sample Docker files. But people?kept asking for a canonical image.
Well, you broke me. Finally, we have two images on?DoltHub's DockerHub,?one for the Dolt command line?and?one for a Dolt SQL Server. The Dolt SQL Server image is modeled after MySQL's Docker image.?Jennifer?even wrote?a How To?if anyone wants to use GitHub Actions to publish to DockerHub. I will now return to my basement to play Civ6.
Until next week.