DoltHub Weekly Update
This is the weekly CEO update from?DoltHub. I'm Timothy Sehn , the CEO of DoltHub.
We're big fans of?CockroachDB. We've referenced their open source SQL engine work a lot in?Dolt. This week they talked about?the CAKE stack:
Authorization, authentication, session, and user management
Event-driven serverless platforms
Honestly, this is some weak acronym play compared to the classics?JAM,?MERN, or the OG,?LAMP). But it got us thinking what would be a good Dolt stack. After some clever word play, the people who brought you Dolt give to you the DORK stack!
This stack powers the?Hosted Dolt?website. Have a better one? Reply to this email and I'll shout it out next week.
Introducing Standby Replication
We released a new form of replication this week:?standby replication. This allows you to configure a number of Dolt servers in a cluster and fail over between them. We now have two forms of replication, standby and?remote-mediated. Standby is best for failover and remote-mediated is best for scaling for read load. We'll soon have this available for?Hosted Dolt?customers but if you run your own Dolt, have at it. We continue to drive towards making?Dolt a world class OLTP database.
Better Alias Support
SQL aliases have been a thorn in Dolt's side since launch. They mostly worked but often would fail in strange ways. A query wouldn't work unless you added an alias. It was frustrating.
Jason?has spent the past month or so?upping our alias game. It's better now. There are still bugs though. If you find one,?cut an issue. We'll fix it with high priority.
How can you support us?
More and more, people love what we're doing and ask how we make money. The dirty little secret is, as with most start ups, we don't make much money. Looking at how similar big companies make most of their money, there are two potential businesses for us in the long run, enterprise DoltHub/DoltLab or Hosted Dolt. Maybe we'll invent a new big business in the database space but that's unlikely.
In the short run, we have a bunch of ways you can support us. Here's a list from cheapest on up.
Until next week.