Is the dollar in trouble?
When the mighty $US hit the lowest performance record ever in 2008, many economists could see it coming from a simple look at charts and indexes. It was also a time of exhaustion following mediocre economy results due to massive spendings on two meaningless wars and a bleeding financial market. It was believed then that the situation had hit bottom and as it is generally the case, it must climb back up which it did slowly with a few fumbles. Today, the scenarios are playing differently. The world is witnessing several emerging powers. Some we knew of and others we didn't think would be major players. The keotic situation in the middle east where Saudis are turning to Qatar for a bail out while sinking is another clear sign of losing hope. Russia has gained a new solid market in China and is due to start exporting oil soon. Its ties with Iran will make it possible to explore other markets and not only that they can work ways around the dollar. Venezuela is on the verge of unrest and high tensions which won't end as easy as last time. Iraq and Syria are gaining on terrorism with the help of Russia mainly. This will lead to an eventual loyalty to Moscow. All these Signs among others I chose not to mention are clear indicators of a new drastic fall of the US dollar. The question is, will it be able to survive a major fall this time?