Doing What's Best for Them and you.
Let the best interests of your loved one guide decisions
You’re right in the middle, so you can relate
Between kids and your parents, now isn’t life great?
With all of those pressures you could use a good rest.
So who says them living at home is what’s best?
Mom isn’t eating well and Dad’s no big help.
It’s all he can do to take care of himself.
For them every day is like taking a test.
So why do they say living home is what’s best?
Med errors, poor hygiene, missed appointments and more.
As you think of their future you ask, what’s in store?
But they want to stay home in their little love nest,
So why do they think being home is what’s best?
They get lonely and scared and they call twice a day.
I’ve got enough on my plate your kids hear you say.
So what can you do to get help with this mess?
Are you sure their being at home is what’s best?
Depend on a neighbor, aides 24/7?
Maybe move in with you, now won’t that be heaven?
To be in your home and made to feel like a guest
Who says that living in your home is what’s best?
You know there’s an answer I’m pleased to be sharing.
Where staff is devoted and committed to caring.
Assisted Livings the answer that you request.
Just ask any resident cause they know what’s best.
Staff that’s on duty all day and all night.
They’re committed to serving cause they want it right!
Resident’s space is respected so staff won’t be pests,
It’s just one more reason Assisted Living’s what’s best.
Don’t worry about them; you’ll be in the know,
But first check their schedule, they could be on the go.
No problem with meds, dressing, bathing, the rest-
Cause now everyone knows assisted living’s what’s best.
So don’t wait to long or they could miss out,
On a wonderful lifestyle they’ll be bragging about.
With Independence, support and friends in their nest,
They’d be the first to tell you, Assisted living’s the best.
As a former administrator of three different assisted-living communities, I regularly attended national conferences. While waiting for my flight home from a conference in Orlando one year, I pulled out my legal pad and wrote this in about 15 minutes.
As I have stated often, there is nothing worse than denying your loved one the level of care they truly require. I’m troubled when I see ads by home care agencies that openly state that their mission is to prevent you from transitioning your loved one into Assisted Living. Some are even mean spirited suggesting that it would be some form of punishment. I’ll be the first one to admit that home care agencies serve a very important purpose and there is a place for them in caregiving but they are not absolute. In the world of Alzheimer’s dementia care, you’re dealing with a progressive disease so situations in caring for your loved one are only going to get more complicated and challenging.
“I don’t want to leave my home” is a very common objection to transitioning to Assisted Living and I get it. But when being at home is no longer safe or caregivers find themselves unable to keep up with the challenges of caregiving, to be fair to your loved one, it’s time to consider other options.
You may find consolation in the fact that in Rhode Island, The Department of Health, Facilities Regulations has a strict policy that states that in the event that a resident requires Skilled (nursing home) care, they have to leave their Assisted Living Community. Again all in the interest of doing what’s best for your loved one.
An important part of this is your being proactive. Visit the Assisted Living communities as well as the Nursing Home Communities in your area so that when and if the time comes, you’ll be making an informed decision.
Questions? Email me at?[email protected].