Doing What You Love, Impacts Others. Doing What You Hate, Heals You.

Doing What You Love, Impacts Others. Doing What You Hate, Heals You.

Hi there - Unlimited Soul on a Human Experience!

This was my entry, just few minutes ago, on "My Deeper Consciousness Space" (a.k.a. my journal personal - hahah sometimes I wonder, how do I LOVE naming everything on purpose!?!):

I feel in a paradox right now.

Cause I have never been more driven, enthusiastic, in love, excited. About how Life is taking care of everything and building things up under my feet! And it's what I have desired.

Yet I have never felt more stuck, and maybe even scared. Because I am taking enormous personal and professional steps forward. And inevitably AWAY from previous chapter.

Meaning, I want to move - take "massive action" and "make things happen" the way I planned. Yet there is a deeper part of me that being present, true to myself and aligned with important values I hold, just asks me not to!

And I am in the biggest chapter of my entrepreneurial journey - launching in-person dream-like transformational retreats - in the Caribbeans', in South Africa, and also online!

So the "need to move mountains" is kind of real - you may imagine the gigantic list of tasks that in general follows that - with my beloved speakers, my team, my supporters, my clients, my self, my family!

Do you resonate?

So the paradox I present to you is about the so cliché sentence:

"Do only what you love". And well - I can't but resonate with that sentence, to a certain extent. Yet - the "only" makes it invalid to me. Because very simply: "not doing what I love" is something that I "hate" - taking a vacation from calls with my community and hosting events and even socialising with friends etc... that is something that I feel very uncomfortable doing.

But right now, as you could read in my journal's entry, "I must".

Meaning that in amidst of the process of separation from my Life Partner, the Life is taking a turn which definitely could not be foreseen. And to actually best and fully serve you, show up, impact and all what I Love, I MUST before figure out certain things inside of me and in my personal Life, which need my whole presence and attention - which means to pause completely.

Translated: to be able to do what I love in a way that is fulfilling and not stressful to my system, based on my current Life Circumstances, I must do what my human side, who is definitely "addicted" and accustomed to taking aligned action on my mission and vision, is trying to avoid and kind of hates to even take into consideration.

So to do what I love at the very best and with flow, I shall do what I hate first with loving presence and highest intention.

In other words, and to break some more paradigms here... "making yourself stronger first" so to have the power to lift the world, may require you at times to prioritise things that you'd push back, for the sake of getting things done!

Though oftentimes, the most leveraged action you can take is the counterintuitive and the one you refuse to see.

And in our current society, tends to becoming "Disciplined Rejuvenators" - accustomed to the inner work that moves outer mountains.

So... What are you trying to avoid? How could change the game for you to do so? When could you go about it, knowing that facing discomfort now will massively affect your effectiveness and results later?

Remember - Healthy also mean more Productive!

Doing what you love, makes you a vessel for impact! Doing what you hate makes that vessel stronger!

Stay Unlimited - Your Soul Signed You Up For That!

#selfcare #integrity #rejuvenation #truth #nextlevel #embodiment #nextlevelembodiment


Sign up for the Retreat Series Appetizer on Wednesday, August 30th - a Zoom Event, where many of our Retreat Leaders will guide you through a mini-workshop and give you a taste of the magic that can happen in even just 5 minutes with them. Imagine a whole retreat!

Stay Unlimited - Your Soul Signed You Up For This!


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