Doing our best could be perfect enough
"Perfect is the enemy of the good."
I insist on this idea of perfection because many of my clients, friends, family, even myself, all seem to have this same auto imposed self demand to do everything perfectly.
And that’s the first thing, we convince ourselves that we need to do everything perfectly, but sometimes we do not even know if we want it that way, or even how perfection would really look like, HOWEVER, we set it as an excluding condition to feel better with ourselves.
Years ago, one of my bosses used to tell me this, and really back then I didn’t get it, I thought it was only a figure of speech, and I’m sure everyone has their own way to interpret this, but for me, it is now finally clear, perfect is the enemy of what is good for ME, what is best for ME.
Perfect is the enemy of feeling good with myself but it’s a really good friend of constant failure.
Failing me and the rest of the world, assuming that others will think that I either did it the wrong way or didn’t do my best. But wait, there’s hope!
Perfect is friends with constant failure only if we are not good enough for ourselves. The moment we get to make peace with who we are and with the fact that what we do is good enough, that’s when we get to give our back to our enemy, PERFECTION. It’s just then when we might get to feel perfect in our own imperfection.