Doing Good Together
Gisbert Reuter
5x Internat. #1 Bestselling Author | Money For Freedom? | Green Energy | Founder BE! Better Earth | Change Agent | Quantum Leap Breakthroughs. Get my Newsletter
You want to create greater value for others, but you don't know how or where to start?
Most people feel that they should be doing more to help others, but you may think it's hard to know where to start or how to make a real difference in the world.
It can feel like there's just so much need in the world, today, that it just overwhelms you, and you might see you can't possibly do anything to help. Sometimes it feels like our efforts won't make a dent.
It can be tough to break out of old and well-trodden paths and if you are onto something really new you might feel like you're not doing enough or that your efforts are falling on deaf ears. Or you hear ?Oh, just be realistic!“ Once you dare to share. And you bounce right back in to your old patterns.
Do you know this too?
?? First: Whenever someone tells you to be realistic, what they really say is ?accept my limitations“ but there is so much more to life. There are so much more ?realities“ than this one that person is asking you to compromise with.
?? Second: When you learn to focus on creating value-chains for others and let go of worrying about what the other will think about you, you truly can become unstoppable.
?? With the right company, support, and guide, you can achieve anything. I want to support you to create value for others like never before. They appreciate the gifts you give them, but they will also see the incredible worth that comes with being around you. Picture making someone feel so good about themselves that they start shining with happiness. This is what I mean when I suggest to you, too: LET JOY WORK for you.
Do your thing!
It’s not enough to simply know the way. You also must walk it and apply it in your everyday life. And here, too, I want to give you support, guidance and certainty in uncertain times.
As soon as you, just focus on two insights that are new to your subconscious, and really implement them. I mean to put them truly into action, not only will you transform how you process fear or the doubts to share with others the gifts you have to share, I guarantee that you will have completely different—and much better—results.
From my experience, this can happen faster than you may think. Hence, if you want different results, you need to somehow break away from the rut of “how everyone else does it.”
Once you discover your intuition and inner joy, all of a sudden “being different” is no longer scary. “Being different” is absolutely wanted because in order to have different results, you have to be a different person than you are right now.
What are the two areas of your life where you would need help the most?
What would be a great reason for you to decide to go for these two wonderful insights-to-go?
The point that I made—you have to be different in order to do and to have other results—is an idea that most people don’t really include in their strategies and calculations. Do you, too, ask yourself, “How can this be done?” when you have a dream?
Do you think that you only have to do everything right to have better results? The vast majority of people are even further from the truth: They think: “In order to [have or do what I want] I must have ‘this’ [in most cases an amount of money] in place first.”
If this is you, you are trapped!
You want something that you don’t have, and you think money is the reason why you cannot have it?
How are your actions in that situation?
You’re limiting yourself.
You are not doing what you really want to do.
What are your emotions like?
Do you feel good, or is it much more likely that you feel limited?
And behaving and feeling limited: What kind of thoughts will you—predominately—have?
Will you think: “I will achieve whatever I want to!”?
Honestly, we both know your thoughts will be more likely: “Oh I will never make it, because of…” “I wish I could…. but I can’t… because…” or: “I am always failing” and so on.
What do you think will be the results of these sorts of thoughts and self-talk?
Most people hope for the best and expect the worst.
But you cannot expect something different to happen than what you expect!
Hope is a horrible strategy.
As it is the "If-then“, too. — It's the strategy of victim-thinking.
? It is Inspired, not if-spired,
? it is ingenious, not if-genious,
? It is income, not if-come!
Decide to share your gifts, create value chains that are for the best benefit of as many as people possible, and you will just have changed everything. Income will follow as the day follows each night.
Decide and go for it! Do YOUR thing.
"No! Try not!
Do or do not,
there is no try." — Yoda
Money is important, but in fact, it means n o t h i n g without the relationships and memories you make along the way.
What truly makes a difference is how you make people feel, and I want to help you do that better than ever before.
I will be honored to support you to create value for others like never before.
Love, Gッ
1 年Dear Gisbert, YOUR FABOLOUS BOOK WORLD UNLOCKED ?? is the Inspiration for the ATTITUDE BE INSPIRED & ITS HAPPENING SHIFT OF COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS Hence to values Compassion Unconditional Love & the Knowledge we Are all universally connected and you know it & THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SPIRIT & SOUL ???? Carlos ALVAREZ Fritz Founder PEACEINDUSTRY