doing “good” by doing things in a “new way”
Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.
Director - ExCtu - addressing the Health Tourism Sector "Builder Class" (a.k.a. the "growth makers" and “developers”) by providing the infrastructure supporting economic activity and enabling the system to function
…and with “impact” (to avert “value destruction”)
To illustrate this article, on Contemporary Health Tourism as a sterling example of “benevolent disruption”, I used the front cover of the book titled “Disrupt With Impact”, by Roger Spitz, a paperback edition of which one can buy for $22.88, through Amazon (? ).
The purpose of this article, is to explain and justify the use of the phrase and “concept & practice” known as “Benevolent Disruption”, in connection with Contemporary Health Tourism.
This article also includes (towards the end) a list of “original content” LinkedIn articles (with links) referring to “benevolent disruption” in the Context of Health Tourism.
a Paradoxical Concept & Practice
…because it suggests that disruptive forces can be harnessed for positive and beneficial outcomes
Many will already know that Contemporary Health Tourism (a.k.a. – and symbolized by – ht8), came about as a result of a process known as Benevolent Disruption.
I first came across the phrase and “concept & practice” when considering how to transform and repurpose Health Tourism – and “do good” by doing things in a new way.
And that is also when I learned that “Benevolent Disruption” was the name of a Google Community dedicated to disruptive technologies and ideas that improve the world we live in.
As I explain, “benevolent disruption” is a paradoxical concept and practice, because it suggests that disruptive forces can be harnessed for positive and beneficial outcomes.
Stated a little differently, it suggests that even radical change can be beneficial, if it is carried out in a way that is intentional, ethical and aimed at improving people's lives.
Its goal is to create a better future, by challenging the status quo and introducing new ways of doing things.
While the exact origin of the phrase "benevolent disruption" is difficult to pinpoint, it likely emerged from discussions around technological innovation and social change.
The phrase has gained increasing attention in recent years, mainly in the context of technology and innovation – particularly when considering “systemic problems” and creating “new opportunities”.
BTW, I need to remind that one of the objectives of Contemporary Health Tourism was to deal with a “systemic problem” (i.e., a problem that was “system-wide”) and to create new opportunities.
I have come to the conclusion that it is a strategic approach to introducing new ideas, technologies, or practices that challenge the status quo but ultimately lead to improved outcomes.
It is for this reason that it has been designated a Contemporary Health Tourism “strategic concept and practice”.
And, as the author of the book I used to illustrate this article (Roger Spitz) points out, disruption with impact averts “value destruction”.
“disruption” and “benevolence”
…for those who like to know the meaning of things
This term is often associated with radical change, often involving the overthrow of established systems or industries. Disruption can be seen as a force for both good and bad, as it can lead to innovation and progress but also to upheaval and disruption.
This refers to the quality of being well-meaning, kind, or generous and implies a desire to do good and help others.
some of the key characteristics
…intentional disruption, positive outcomes and ethical considerations
intentional disruption
Unlike accidental or unintentional disruption, benevolent disruption, as a strategy, is a conscious, deliberate and planned effort to bring about change – by challenge existing norms.
positive outcomes
The goal of benevolent disruption is to create positive outcomes, such as improved efficiency – by introducing new ways of doing things.
ethical considerations
“benevolent disruption” involves a careful consideration of ethical implications and a commitment to minimizing negative consequences.
Stated a little differently, benevolent disruption involves a careful balance between causing disruption and ensuring that the resulting changes are beneficial and ethical.
And one needs to be reminded that Contemporary Health Tourism is associated with “ethos” and a set of principles – to ensure it remains a “beautiful game”.
Needless to say, the benevolent disruption associated with Contemporary Health Tourism is in accord with all these “characteristics”.
a selection of articles on Health Tourism and “benevolent disruption”