Cassian and Associates
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Doing Business in Tanzania.
As a member of MGI Africa, Cassian and Associates has published the 2022 Guide to Doing Business in Tanzania, highlighting the benefits and incentives offered by the Tanzania Investment Center (TIC) to investors wishing to do business in the country.
Tanzania has been ranked among the top 20 fastest growing world economies above the Sub-Saharan average of 5.2%.
According to the IMF 2021, Tanzania had $218.5 billion on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis. GDP per capita (PPP) was $3,574.
For investors to do business in Tanzania, registration with the Business Registration and Licensing Agency (BRELA), under the Ministry of Industries and Trade is required.
Here are some of the legal forms you may encounter.
These are some of the Income, Consumption and other taxes that may be deducted in your business.
Tax on Income
Tax on Consumption (VAT)
Other Taxes
Taxes on Gaming Activities
Taxes on Cross border businesses (export tax & import duty)