Everything created in this universe in fact the universe itself is for a reason. There is nothing created by Allah Subhan o Talah(God Almighty) don’t carry a benefit no matter how trivial or minute it might be. There is “a reason” for everything and it is “playing a role” in the entire system of universe as we know today. Research & development helps us to explore and understanding the “reason and role” played by all the wonderful creations in this world including the best of all creations-human beings as declared in Glorious Quran by Allah Subhan o Talah. Likewise, doing business is also for some reason(s) and the most common objective is “SUCCESS”. There isn’t any businessman/woman either running a small or big businesses who don’t want to be successful. Many business experts/consultants, etc. have over the years devised guidelines for doing successful businesses yet failures are seen every now and then for reasons within and beyond human control. Frankly no one wants to see failures after putting in much needed time, effort and resources and they can be minimized if not avoided (as success and failures are only in the hands of Allah Almighty and our responsibility as human being is to make best of efforts with sincere intentions) by adopting two basic steps:

1.?????Seeking help from the Allah Almighty, The Creator

2.?????Learning from past successes or mistakes of ourselves and others

In the following scheme of things we shall be looking at the first step i.e. seeking help from Allah Subhan o Talah. What can we do to bring Allah Almighty into our business?

Allah Subhan o Talah in Glorious Quran says which means “after Salah go out to search my Fazal”. In an another verse it says which means “We have not send you in this world only to earn a living its OUR responsibility, but yours to obey OUR Commands”. In other words making human effort to seek livelihood is a basic responsibility of every human being especially men as their prime responsibility is to provide food, shelter, clothing and other things necessary for the well-being of their wife, children and parents in a manner as stated by Allah Almighty and practiced(Sunnah) by of Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be upon Him). Just like all Prophets starting from Prophet Adams till Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Them), Prophet Muhammad (Peace & Blessings Be upon Him) also came to this world to show us how to follow the Commands of Allah Almighty for SUCCESS in this world and hereafter.

Some of the basic guidelines and rules as stated in Quran & Sunnah for anyone interested in seeking success in business are as follows:

1.?????The most common understanding we have for doing business is to “earn profit” as its “prime objective”. There is nothing wrong in this thinking however in Islam business is done to fulfill three basic prime objectives:

-?????????To practice Allah’s Hukum(commands) in business i.e. to follow Sunnah

-?????????To “serve” community/society

-?????????To provide benefits to “others”

What could be a better business than is Pleasing our Creator? And HE has made it very simple as mentioned clearly in Glorious Quran which means “ If you want ME to love you follow the Path of your Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH I will be happy/pleased and forgive all your sins”. In an another verse is said which means “ the best example to follow in this world is the life of your Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH”. Therefore Sunnah is actually following of the Hukum(Commands) of Allah Almighty.

When business owners/sponsors enter into any business with the prime objective to “serve and providing benefits to “others” it changes the whole approach towards business. It widens the mental horizon of business owners to a level not seen and/or experienced before and encourages them to be accommodate everyone in the community/society, it develops the concept of empathy towards employees, clients and people in general. The concepts of competition, business take overs, marketing budgets are replaced by cooperation, helping out competitors in difficult times, focusing/developing the importance of word of mouth, encouraging adoption of ethics & morals in business, etc. In short, the change these two can bring within the human being and society are unimaginable and can only be measured once it becomes a norm. If we look around there are businesses that follow unique practices like some restaurants offering free lunch to those who can’t afford and they grab attention of everyone very quickly without spending a dime. Looking from a different angle, if I am starting a business to serve & provide benefits to others, am I not “the other” to be served and receive benefits from”?

Therefore the “prime objective” of doing business Islam is not for profit and it’s of secondary importance. When anyone starts business with the objectives to serve & provide benefits to others, profits will be automatically generated. There are numerous examples where Sahabah RA(Respected Companions of Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH have done business either at cost value or less than cost price (Bai Taulia and Bai Waddiya) yet didn’t face any failures or closure of businesses.

2.?????Before starting any business everyone make enquiries, analysis, etc. to decide which business to initiate or start. But mostly people are consulted and Allah is ignored. Therefore, before making any decision consult Allah Subhan o Talah through Istikhara(a method of seeking direct guidance from God Almighty as stipulated in Sunnah) and try to make it part of your daily routine decision making process for business and life. Can there be anyone better than Allah Almighty, our Creator to consult?

3.?????Hadees-e-Qudsi “Allah Subhan-o-Tallah has declared that He will become a partner in a business between two Mushariks until they indulge in cheating or breach of trust (Khayanah)”. This means as long as partners/directors of any business are truthful and honest to each other Allah Almighty, Our Creator will be their partner. Imagine if our Creator becomes partner in the business can there be any loss or damages?

4.?????Allah Almighty has clearly told us in Glorious Quran permissible and prohibited businesses e.g. pork, liquor, etc. are prohibited while the list of permissible businesses is long. Therefore Business should always be done for halal items good and services choice is yours. Why looking at limited and wrongful businesses when permissible businesses are many? Does it make any sense?

5.?????Once the type of business has been decided/selected learn all Shariah principles related to the selected business from and Islamic Scholar. Its “wajib (compulsory)” to know at least those guidelines/principles/rules necessary to conduct business as per Shariah.

6.?????To run any successful business projections, income & expenses calculations, etc. are necessary yet there are two basic aspects that first need to be very clearly defined:

1-??????????????What are my/our basic needs?

2-??????????????What do I/we cherish to have?

To make a clear distinction between “needs” and “wants/cherish” can save us from unproductive or “showing off” expenditure. E.g. a person has a growing family and require a bigger transport therefore even a second hand/used car can fulfill his need however he desires or want or cherish to own a brand new car. There is nothing wrong to cherish things but what’s important is to stop yourself from unproductive expenditure of leasing out a brand new when you cant really buy a new one from your own resources. The resources used for paying of a lease can be saved for a better usage or emergency that may come up in future. Another example, before going out to work a good practice can be to calculate how much is needed for the family for the day and make a habit to focus on earning enough for the same and not worry too much about what will happen next day. I am not against savings or projections but a good thought on this concept can be beneficial.

7.?????Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH once instructed one of His Respected Companion (Sahabi RA) to follow two rules for business:

-?????????Whenever you want to start a financial transaction always recite “LA KHALABA/LA KHABATA ??? ?????” (ref: Bokhari Hadees # 2414) which means not to suffer loss. To get the required benefit and be saved from losses its a binding condition to engage in business communication with “honourable intentions” of not cheating or defrauding the other party. This practically means reciting these words before making any business call or sending a quotation or email or any communication meant to establish business relationship with a prospective client or a party. Isn’t this one of our prime concerns?

-?????????Always do transactions in cash or on spot basis. This does not mean credit purchases or sales are prohibited but if all are made on credit sooner or later the business would be exposed to financial difficulties or cash flow problems. Therefore the best practice is cash or spot terms but at least cash and credit sales/purchases should be on 50:50 basis. ??

???? ????? - ???? ????????

???? ???? : 2414

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Also as per Shariah Debts/credit are permissible but only as a “last resort” when all other options of raising finance have been exhausted. Unfortunately these days taking debts and making more credit purchase/sales has become the “first option” to make business a success. Sometimes new starters start credit sales in industries where cash terms are a norm. Lets try to avoid debts are long and as much as possible because consequences of unpaid debts after death for hereafter are extremely serious.

8.?????While in day to day dealings don’t lie or hide faults in your products or resort to swearing in the name of Allah Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH said by lying and swearing Barakah from the transaction is eliminated. Barakah has wider meanings in Islam for example if your business operating costs like replacement of office furniture or in lightening items or maintenance cost, etc. are saved it is also a kind of barakah. Lying or hiding faults can also be when sometimes businesses restore to excessive projections of benefits of their products & services but in actual they don’t really exist or not as profound as projected. Therefore always be truthful in your dealings don’t over project products or services and trust Allah Almighty wont let you down.

9.?????Mostly people want to be rich and successful in shortest possible time. Therefore they seek businesses that can generate quick returns like stock exchange, commodities, futures, options trading, gambling/betting, etc. There are many industry and business practices everyone follows which may or may not be as per Shariah. But generally quick return making businesses are prohibited therefore seek guidance from Islamic Scholars and always follow Shariah in all business dealings. Three things are totally prohibited in all financial transactions avoid Riba (interest/usury), gharar (uncertainties) and Qimar &Mayser (speculative businesses).

10.??Choose a Scholar and consult him on daily basis for every business transaction. ?

11.?Organise all departments such as purchase, sales, accounting, finance, Human resource, IT, etc. as per Shariah guidelines and hire a Scholar to ensure compliance at all levels and at all times. This will bring Barakah or enormous benefits not seen before in business.

12.?Business timings are also a very important aspect for success of any business therefore owners should accurately know the most beneficial time to start and end business. Prophet Muhammad P&BBUH made a prayer for Barakah for a business that starts early in the day. One Respected Companion(Sahabi RA) when heard about it he rescheduled his business start time as early as possible and reaped great benefits. In our daily routine after getting up certain things need to be completed before going to business like breakfast, dropping children to school/college and reaching office all these activities require time. Therefore the most preferred time to start business is soon after “Ishraq” time or between 8 to 9 am but not later than 9am.

These days it has become a normal practice to close business late in the evening and many remain open till midnight. Therefore close your business after Asar prayers or 5 pm as mostly followed and late sittings should be avoided. In some countries late sittings is considered to be an indication of dedication or hard work but they increase business costs too. Please avoid late sittings, go home spend time with your family you have other responsibilities as well.

13.?As owner of the business you are responsible for your staff/employees and on the day of Quamayah (judgment day) will be answerable for your actions. Therefore be careful how you deal with your employees forgive their mistakes, encourage them in front of everyone but reprimand in private, reward them with good bonuses/promotions, be kind to them and helpful as much as possible. The biggest competitive advantage is your loyal and skilled work force the more you care for them the better they perform and bring benefits to your business.

14.?Make it part of your business policy to take break for prayers for yourself and employees and dedicate a place for prayers. During free time recite Quran, do zikar as much as possible.

15.?Authentic Hadees states which means “save yourself/business from losses by paying zakat”. Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam and it’s a compulsory contribution from your after one income year to pay from the savings 2.5% to deserving muslims only. While Sadqah or donations or charity on the other hand can be of “any amount” and for “everyone” irrespective of his/her religious beliefs in fact it’s a help for the needy covering the entire mankind feeding an animal or birds, removing obstacles from the path/road to make it easy for people to pass by, giving someone a shoulder to cry on, giving a hand to someone to stand up or sharing a good thought for benefit to anyone, etc. is also Sadqah as per Islam. Allah Subhan o Talah has attached so many benefits in this world and hereafter with charity or donations including giving Sadqah can save you from hazards like losses, satanic or evil actions, diseases, illness, etc. Allah Almighty declares in Glorious Quran which means “if you are giving sadqah or charity or donation with a view to please ME or spend your money in MY Path then I will nourish your givings till the Day of Qumayah (judgment day) and return it back to you when you need the most”. In another verse Allah Almighty says which means “spending your money in MY Path is like giving me a debt”. Therefore make a habit of giving Sadqah on a regular basis and pay zakat on time.

Make Allah your partner in business by following teachings of Quran and Sunnah to receive unimaginable rewards and benefits. Lets make a habit of pleasing Allah Subhan o Talah in our businesses, jobs and daily lives. This is the only way for success here and hereafter.

Very great article. learnt a lot . Thank you. May Allah bless you with more good knowledge and progress ameen

Muhammad Sheikh Ramzan Hossain

Chief Editor at Islamic Science-Tech Review

5 年

Indeed it is called "Imaan" (faith), which is to be known Halal, that is "Halal" In the Holy Quran as well as Sohee Hadith Jazhakallahu Khoiran Kasiran Kasiraa for spreading Halal sensing in the home & aboard.

Khawar Nehal

Founder & CEO at Remote Support LLC | Expert in IT Solutions & Remote Technology Assistance | Empowering Businesses with Seamless Tech Support | Provide training for improving businesses

6 年

Excellent article.


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