Doing My Work
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
In Reflect and Reset, I noted that, for the coming few Weeks, I will be resting and doing my own resetting and reflecting. I humbly offer up and encourage that read noted and linked above. But, changes are afoot. That said, in 2023, I will certainly be coming back with more of:
... with a tweaked taste and feel.
My continued passion and Purpose is around exploring Character, Purpose and Unity as forces to help Entrepreneurs, Educators and Emerging Leaders to more effectively respond to change… and constructively create it. My personal and professional observation is that the world needs these three forces ever more engaged, moving forward. Our future for us all needs them.
Diving In
As I reflect over these next few weeks, I am diving in deeper to these words of Bahá’u’lláh. For me, they are foundational to exploring Character, Purpose and Unity in leadership. For me, they are more than face value and surface; and require my own deliberate diving and digging into Discernment on them, in my own personal moving forward. They are a reservoir in which to dive.
But, for me, they are also a powerful template for thought around the kind of Character Leadership needed in this world now and forward. Indeed, and again for me, they are a part of exploring some Constructs to Question. There are no "answers" here but questions, at least for now and for me. Indeed, I have long held that genuine leadership starts within.. From my vantage point, these words offered above are the soil from which my work forward will grow. As I see it, the kind of leadership and cultures needed for a better world are served well by this noble guidance.
So, I will relax, rest, reflect and reset over these next weeks. I will meditate on the above and make this part of my own development; part of my 4 Works.
In the Interim...
... and while resting, resetting and reflecting, I offer up for us all ...
... in case of interest, intrigue and value. They will be personally.
Do the Work
That noted, I am also re-reading Do the Work. I am doing my own joyful, purposeful, exploratory and discerning work, ahead of 2023... amidst that rest, reflect and reset. Certainly, I am looking at my work, and choosing to do the work. Pour moi, 2023 offers change, both in responding to and creating.
Possibly for you too?
Bottom line, I humbly but assertively suggest and encourage any of us to Do the Work and explore Purpose.
Either way, and for the Season, I simply leave the words noted above here in case they are of value for your own Consideration... and I wish you a wondrous Season, however you celebrate or Honor. Make it wholehearted. That is my intent.