Dogs See Us as Their Heros!

Many people own dogs as pets, companions, or part of the family. I have traveled and seen the last time in Western and Eastern Europe, treat them like family members or more like children. Dogs are lovely and are very different from cats. Cats are more independent; they find themselves and go home when they want.

On the other hand, dogs are much more dependent and require more care and attention from their owners. A dog's life span is much shorter than Humans. One day of human life equals one week of a dog's life. Most large dogs only live up to eight to ten years. Smaller dogs could live up to fifteen to twenty years.

There is no need to mistreat, beat, or abuse a dog; they are a part of our lives. To us humans, dogs are part of our life. For dogs, we are their whole world. We must respect and treat dogs or animals because the Creator has given us domain over their lives.

Dogs may want to eat the same foods as humans, but many foods are unhealthy and less healthy for humans. Dogs understand us when we talk to them or want them at our side for companionship.

Dogs like to walk, eat treats, play with dog toys, and be around family or people. Dogs are sociable animals, and it depends on how the owner raises them. Having a dog tied to a tree and limiting their ability to move around can cause the dog to become more territorial and aggressive.

Having dogs, you can correct them by yelling at them to stop negative behavior, clapping your hands to get their attention, or using a rolled-up newspaper and slapping the floor to correct negative behavior. It can be counterproductive to hit, kick, or strike a dog, and the dog will lose the owner's or people's trust. Dogs that are so severely mistreated can be sacred or suddenly attack without warning.

Treating your dog as a family member is best, even if it is just you and your dog. Dogs are funny; you can go out to get your mail and be away for a few minutes, hours, or days. Your dog's reaction will come to you and be excited and happy to see you; this is when you should communicate with your dog to let the dog know they are essential.

Dog's unconditional love can be from woofing, barking, wagging their tails, jumping, walking in circles, and trying to reach for a pat on their head or a hug. Dogs are incredible animals; they can tell when someone is sad, sick, or needs unconditional affection.

Dogs are so willing to give you that unconditional love that not even humans can provide. Dogs and cats are even more critical as we age and depend on championship with our pets. We care for dogs as if they were a two-year-old child; they rely on us to give them water, feed them, give them treats, bathe them, and even take them to see a vet when they are sick or injured. Dogs see their owner as their superheroes!



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